
Single Parent Homework

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Thank you for sharing your views and personal experiences regarding this topic. I definitely agree that the breakdown of the family unit in this country has been growing astronomically, which has negatively impacted many children. However, while I definitely agree that ideally children should be conceived after marriage, this will not guarantee nor constitutes a healthy family dynamic. In fact, many marriages were maintained well past their obvious expiration, whether “for the children’s sake”, the wife’s lack of financial stability, or simply because of the sanctity of marriage, and occurs still today. While, the fictitious image of unity is portrayed, the turmoil and its ill effects on one or both parents are apparent, which ultimately negatively affect the children. Therefore, while I definitely agree that the absence of a father can have a negative impact on boys, “absence” can occur even within a marriage, this unjustly imbalance can cause significant stress and the impact can be just as great if not more so for the children. Therefore, I believe that, while not ideal, oftentimes single parent homes are healthier for the children.

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