
Single Sex Schools vs. Coed Essay

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Many people might say the single sex schools are ineffective, because girls and boys need to know how to communicate with the opposite sex. They should be enforced to help children reach their full dreams without the thought of humility standing in their way. School is a place where students get acquainted with the basics of the life, which further helps them to foster their proficiency level in different aspects of life required in this competitive world, and the most important part of school is not where students get time to socialize with each other. Although Co-ed schools are a first choice for most adolescents and their parents, Single sex schools are equally good. In single sex schools, students don't have to worry about sexual …show more content…

Boys and girls learn in two different ways. This reason is why having a single sex school is more rewarding than a co-ed school. According to Dr. Schlosser of Breckinridge County Middle School's (Kentucky) the difference between the way boys and girls learn are the type of weather boys and girls prefer.) Boys prefer to learn in a cool, dark room. When there are two different people wanting two different things its hard to please both sides. Boys also learn much slower than what girls learn, this could be a problem for girls in the same class as boys for girls would learn and to move on, but would have to cut back their learning to wait for the boys to learn the same material. Boys also are interested in different subjects than what girls like. Boys are most secretly interested in music, science, and math. According to says boys feel girls won’t like them when they know they are interested in other things such as music and math and not baseball, football, and soccer. Many boys won’t show interest in music in a co-ed school. When boys are placed in a single sex school they won’t have the feeling of impressing girls so more boys will show their interest in arts and music. Boys are much better with math and science than what girls are says NASSPE VIII. NASSPE Vlll is single-sex school out of Huston Texas. "The most profound difference between girls and boys is in any brain structure per se, but also in the sequence of

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