
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay

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Upon delving into a specific genre, one may have a set of expectations before the commencement of their reading. A historical-fiction novel may entail allusions to monumental events. A tragedy might end with a series of events that go terribly wrong. Finally, a chivalric romance might include a knight who sets off on a quest to prove himself to be loyal to his lord and lady. The poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, is an example of a chivalric romance. However, the poet challenges the standards and normalities of the traditional chivalric romance, as he manipulates the conventions to make the reader conscious of their effects. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the poet uses Part II, lines 491-535 as strength and support to the meaning of the poem. The purpose of this poem is to demonstrate that the ideals of the chivalric romance are fabricated and therefore, unrealistic to strive for. Part II of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight relays the period between Sir Gawain’s first encounter with the Green Knight and the departure of his quest. This transition is described through the use of imagery of the changing of seasons. The words “hurries”, “swiftly” and “quickly” create an emphasis on time and the pace at which the seasons change as the year goes by. These words suggest a kind of involuntary speed. This unpredictability can be portrayed as …show more content…

The last message that the poet leaves us with is: “I throw many marvel such before, has happened here ere now. To His bliss us bring Who bore the Crown of Thorns on brow! AMEN” (2529-25332). This statement may suggest that if not believe in the court and knightly codes and value, believe in religious values. The idea of time, throughout the poem and emphasized join the opening passage to Part II, suggests that time acts as fate. My discussion of christian values is in fact addressing the larger matter of time as a form of

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