
Sir Thomas More 's Utopia And Niccolo Machiavelli 's The Prince

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Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince reflect the ideals of the Renaissance. Their reflections of the Renaissance are similar; however, their representations of the Renaissance also have distinct differences. The Renaissance or “rebirth” was a cultural movement that accompanied the passage of Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian civic humanist, historian, diplomat, philosopher, politician, and writer during the Renaissance. He applied the values of the Renaissance to his political treatise, The Prince. Sir Thomas was an English lawyer, philosopher, statesman, and humanist during the Renaissance. He employed the ideals of the Renaissance to his Latin dialogue, Utopia. Both The Prince and Utopia reflect the ideals of the Renaissance through their promotion of education, humanism, and reform. There are, nevertheless, differences in how The Prince and Utopia reflect the Renaissance. Both Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince reflect the ideals of the Renaissance; however, they diverge in their reflections through their views towards realism, idealism, morality, religion, and rhetoric which demonstrates that the Renaissance was a diverse cultural movement in early modern Europe. A variety of events from the eleventh century to the fourteenth century ignited the Renaissance. The Crusades prompted the Renaissance through the weakening of the feudal nobility and the laity’s

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