Throughout history a prominent faction of upstanders have formed, demonstrating gallantry, and determination when attending to the issues of their epoch. Associated with these individuals is Sister Rose Thering, in that she valiantly chose to oppose the lessons that she had been taught to accept. She deemed these lessons as disrespectful to other religions, and decided to correct these mistakes. She imagined a world without prejudice, and she understood that she was the solution. The characteristics embodied within Sister Rose are found within individuals, showing them that they also have the ability to challenge the animosity they witness and become upstanders. Individuals, such as myself have personal connections to bullying or antagonism, however, they have an insufficient amount of knowledge about what methods to use to handle the situation. …show more content…
This results from inexperience in dealing with serious situations such as bullying. However, all they need to carry out to become an upstander is, gather support, speak up, and show kindness to the victim. What people do not notice is that if they intervene in a situation, even if they do not reach the desirable outcome, they will alter the situation affecting the life of the victim for the better. Moreover, this intrusion will allow the sufferer to know that they have a supporter and most importantly a friend. Furthermore, when one person steps up against an enemy others will follow, forming a greater group that would be able to overcome the bully. This will courage and gathered strength in opposing the bully, potentially forcing them to surrender the animosity they are
Humanity’s grief comes from a severe lack of control. The intense pangs of suffering is accompanied by a storm of anger, ripping through the ocean of calm and triggering waves of raw human emotions. There are circumstances in life that cause the fragile boat of logistical thinking to sink, forever at the mercy of the tumultuous waves. In author Patrick DeWitt’s novel, The Sisters Brothers, the transformation of protagonist Eli Sisters from a sane man to a murderous monster portrays how defenseless logistical thinking is in the face of distress. Contrary to Eli and his downfall, deuteragonist Charlie Sisters experiences the opposite as he transitions from a man who acts impulsively on his thoughts, to someone who is more tentative and reluctant.
Sophie Biyoya Ciardulli is the main character in the book, “Endangered”, by Eliot Schrefer. She is the daughter of Florence Biyoya, who is Congolese, and an Italian-American dad. Her mother had always thought of protecting bonobos as her top duty in life, so it was no surprise when she chose staying in Congo to develop her bonobo sanctuary rather than returning to the U.S. with her husband and daughter, after Sophie’s dad is transferred to Miami, Florida by his company for a job. Sophie attends school in America, but spends summers with her mother. Sophie had always been angry and hurt by the fact that her mother was the reason her parents divorced, but when she meets Otto, she transitions slowly in opinion and grows in acceptance of her mother’s
The bully is normally very well known; someone who is just as, if not more, guilty is nearly undetectable. This person is a bystander, and according to Tales of Bullying, being a bystander is just as bad as bullying. Bystanders just join in on the laughing. They don’t even help; they just watch bullying like it’s some sort of comedy show. Bystanders can also be people who are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They can just as easily turn into a person who stands up to bullies, but they don’t. In the end bystanders are just as, if not more, guilty than the
Chapter three - How people can prevent bullying from happening. What can you do if you are the Bystander?
Imagine your friend is being bullied at school in front of you, but you do not speak up. We usually notice a lot of circumstances where students have the fear of standing up in front of a huge crowd or defending themselves. One should feel comfortable defending and/or advocating for their own ideas in the classroom. To express your opinion and yourself is critical to learning in the classroom. In Carlo Rotella’s article, “Silent Students Shortchange Themselves, and Others,” Rotella encourages students to speak up because they have useful thoughts that benefit the class. This is crucial, especially with bullying, in which those who are bullied need encouragement. Students should be assertive to speak up and stand up for themselves against bullying
Monos informs us readers about school bullying. “Six Illinois Middle School student gathered to watch a child being beaten to the ground.” Why just stand there and do nothing that is the question when you could be helping someone that really need your help. If you were the one being bullied you would want someone to help you. I feel the kids that are just standing there watching are scared to do something about it because they think they will end up being bullied the rest of there school life. Maybe does that just watch are being threatened not to speak and they are just scared. Me as a parent will show my kids that if someone need their help to help them. I will teach my kid to respect so the could get respect not to be scared or to speak up or to help other. “The crowd that gathered to watch the crime did nothing to stop or slow violence. In fact, they cheered for more.” It is sad to know that now a day people prefer watching people get beat up and no one does anything about it. I could garanteded you the only way they will do something about it or take action is if it was a family
When receiving the informatory papers of the qualification to National Honors Society, I was nothing more than thrilled. The name and impact this organization has on our society leaves hope and happiness all around. I believe my acceptance would be a great choice in helping to advance the work we do in our school along with Huntingdon County.
If you happen to be the bystander, your success comes from knowing not to get involved or not to get too involved, lest you yourself become an actual bully or a victim. You may even be blessed with the cherished gift of self-denial, and in such case, you are able to dismiss any vague notions that your inaction makes you complicit in the bully's trespass. Still you are human: you have an opinion, you have feelings about the matter. Maybe you sympathize with one of the sides. Maybe you wish you had the guts to be that way. Maybe you're just afraid you'll get hurt. Maybe you have something to lose; maybe that something is so valuable you're not willing to gamble it. Maybe you simply feel guilty for not getting involved. Or, maybe all you feel is relief -- relief that it's not you. Makes no difference, the bystander just stands there. Hence the name. Oh, you may be emotionally conflicted, but being a bystander is really the safest place to be. Consequently, bystanders often opt to remain bystanders.
Bullies may grow up and lead a life of ultimate rebellion or crime. These students start off with bullying and advance into acts of vandalism, theft, and alcohol and possible drug abuse. Left unchallenged, the bully will never understand that their behavior is inappropriate. The bully will grow up, victimize, and start a family of budding, pint-sized oppressors. Bullying is a learned behavior. Whereas, the victim may live a life of depression and anxiety. The victim may never reach their full potential because of fear and uncertainty. The victim has a difficult time making and keeping friends, and seeks to stay clear of confrontation. The victim loses his/her control or voice and lives in the shadow of the aggressor. Over time, the victim may begin to miss class, fake illnesses, and believe that he or she deserves bad treatment. In the end,
That the need to fit in by participating doesn’t make them a bad person, that statement is of little consequence to the victims or their families. Excuses made by parents, bystanders, and the community no longer hold up in a legal setting. Hearing anti-bullying messages from the different adults in their lives can reinforce the message for kids that bullying is unacceptable. More than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when a peer intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied (Hawkins, Pepler, & Craig, 2001. Prevention is
"What hurts the victim the most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of the bystander," says famous author, Elie Wiesel. According to "," people have been bullied for their religion, skin color, and beliefs. This can cause kids to have poor self-esteem and become a bully themselves. Some kids, called bystanders, decide to sit and watch. But what's worse, bullies or bystanders? Bystanders are worse than bullies because they choose not to do anything, encourage the bully, can suffer from guilt, and face consequences for not helping.
Numerous individuals have experienced some instance in which they needed to become an upstander. Personally, I was put in a situation that made me choose the evident choice of switching from an average bystander to a upstander that becomes involved within the problem. While in elementary school my sister underwent a serious accident which left in
For some reason many people are afraid to stand up for others. They think, “If I try to help I will just make it worse” or “I could get myself into trouble.” Instead of standing up they avoid the problem, like it’s not even happening. These people are just as guilty as the person doing the evil. Unfortunately, this happens to many people. Most of us have had a time in our life where we’ve been afraid to stand up for someone, especially in a situation where we could be put in danger. It’s also difficult to stand up when you’re standing alone. Just because this happens to many people doesn’t make it okay though. If you are in a situation where something is not right, you can’t just ignore it. If you don’t take action you are just as guilty. You
Bullying is a form of insecurity in which, both the perpetrator and the victim are impacted psychologically. During physical education most children are bullied because of gender, physically, sexual orientation, etc., which can lead to trauma later on and life and fear of intervening. Through heroism and educating children prior to a bullying incident can reduce the impact it has in physical education and in schools. The impact bullying has made in physical education has prevented the victims to further become physically active due to the fear of encountering the situation again or have yet not been taught how to manage those type of situations. Furthermore, bullying can be in many forms whether it is verbally or physically, which are the
Everyone has either been bullied or have been the bully, but the ones who are the bully don’t see what they’re really doing until it’s too late.