
Sister Rose Thering Character Analysis

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Throughout history a prominent faction of upstanders have formed, demonstrating gallantry, and determination when attending to the issues of their epoch. Associated with these individuals is Sister Rose Thering, in that she valiantly chose to oppose the lessons that she had been taught to accept. She deemed these lessons as disrespectful to other religions, and decided to correct these mistakes. She imagined a world without prejudice, and she understood that she was the solution. The characteristics embodied within Sister Rose are found within individuals, showing them that they also have the ability to challenge the animosity they witness and become upstanders. Individuals, such as myself have personal connections to bullying or antagonism, however, they have an insufficient amount of knowledge about what methods to use to handle the situation. …show more content…

This results from inexperience in dealing with serious situations such as bullying. However, all they need to carry out to become an upstander is, gather support, speak up, and show kindness to the victim. What people do not notice is that if they intervene in a situation, even if they do not reach the desirable outcome, they will alter the situation affecting the life of the victim for the better. Moreover, this intrusion will allow the sufferer to know that they have a supporter and most importantly a friend. Furthermore, when one person steps up against an enemy others will follow, forming a greater group that would be able to overcome the bully. This will courage and gathered strength in opposing the bully, potentially forcing them to surrender the animosity they are

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