
Six Different Types Of Medical Technology In The 19th Century

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What is Technology?
Technology is the application of science and a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and to extract or collect materials ("Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology"). Technology is what we use everyday to do task more efficiently. It is the most important tool to communicate and connect with the world.
What are different types of technology?
There are six different types of technology that we as a society use from a day to day basis. The six different types are Assistive technology, defensive technology, information technology, communications technology, transport technology, and medical technology. These types of technologies are all important in this present world because it allows us to do anything more efficiently.
What has technology done for us? (In general) …show more content…

One way is it has further advanced our knowledge in the field of science. Our scientific knowledge has grown significantly and have have found many cures with it.

How medical technology effected the 19th century
The 19th century that was recognizable by modern standards. At this time doctors diagnosed patients judging by there symptoms instead of giving them a limited experience like it did before the 1800s ("19th Century Medical Technology & Medicine"). Also, in the19th century, surgery has become less painful because of William Morton's invention of Anesthesia. Anesthesia is used to make a person unconscious so surgery can be performed.
How medical technology effected the 20th century
During the 20th century, human lifespan has grown substantially. Technology has grown rapidly during this period. Breakthroughs have been coming up like new treatments and cures for diseases. A lot of drugs have been distributed to help society get through sickness. We could even see inside people without cutting them open, by using a cat scanner invented in 1972.
How medical technology effected the 21st

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