REASON CHIEF COMPLAINT: Followup. BLANKLINE Inmate Schnepf presents for reassessment of bilateral caruncle lesions. He voices no visual complaints. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Vision with correction 20/20 both eyes. Applanation pressures are 16 both eyes. External exam shows a small, brownish, pigmented sub conj lesions involving the caruncle of both eyes, right eye greater than left. There is an associated cyst versus papilloma associated with the left lesion. RECOMMENDATIONS Inmate has a history of caruncle pigment both eyes which likely represents bilateral nevus with an associated cyst in the left eye. It shows no growth or change in appearance, there is no lid or bulbar conj extension. I would recommend a six-month reassessment. If
The experimental procedures for Lab 2 were provided on Blackboard labelled as “Pre-Lab 2: Techniques & Measurement”.
The experiments conducted for this lab report focused on water contamination and filtration. Experiment 1 was effects of groundwater contamination. Oil, vinegar, and laundry detergent were added to clean water with no means of filtration. The clean water was found to be contaminated. A filtration system consisting of cheesecloth and 60 ml of soil was created and the contaminated samples were filtered through it. The soil and cheese cloth did not affectively filter the contaminants. Experiment 2 focused on
I am unable to answer this question because I don’t think I have enough information. This is asking for exact values and I don’t have the data to answer it. I maybe overlooking the answer but I am unable to figure this out.
The mole is a convenient unit for analyzing chemical reactions. Avogadro’s number is equal to the mole. The mass of a mole of any compound or element is the mass in grams that corresponds to the molecular formula, also known as the atomic mass. In this experiment, you will observe the reaction of iron nails with a solution of copper (II) chloride and determine the number of moles involved in the reaction. You will determine the number of moles of copper produced in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the number of moles of iron used up in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and determine the number of atoms and formula units involved in
Vision with correction 20/30 in the right, hand motion in the left. Applanation pressure are 11 in the right and 15-16 in the left. Anterior segments are clear and quiet. ____ visual field shows a dense superior hemifield in the right and generalized constriction in the left.
October 17, 18, and 19, samples were collected from multiple sites along the BSR. The class was split into groups, and samples were collected from seven separate locations along the river and WWTP. There was also a sample collected by the S which is located between sites four and five. For each of these sites, there were ten groups from other labs that also collected a sample from the BSR. At site two of the river, the location included multiple sources of possible contamination. A drainage site was located 200 yards upstream, along with a small PVC drainage pipe next to the collection site. Not only was there drainage running into the river, the site was under a bridge, and contained other trash scattered throughout the area. The
In the second part of the experiment, they took 3 test tubes, one containing a small amount of potassium chloride, one with a like amount of potassium chlorate, and one that contained a solution obtained from adding distilled water to the crucible, that was used in the first part of the experiment, and heated it for about a minute, and then they added 10 ml of distilled water to each and stirred. In each of the tubes, they added 5 drops of dilute (6 M) nitric acid and 5 drops of 0.1 M silver nitrate solution, then stirred each test tube and observed carefully.
When we write, “drill a 3/8” diameter, 1” depth hole in the center of the dowel”, the reality is a lot different. First, we need to find 3/8” tap size that is specifically designed for wood. Then, we need to find the center point of the dowel and figure out how to drill a hole perfectly centered. The process took us 2 hours in lab to figure out the most efficient and effective way to do such simple task. Because of time constrain, we decided to finish the system later in the day.
News reporters, public speakers, and other people use rhetorical strategies for writing and speaking. The rhetorical strategies that could work on me are adapting to my style and use formal authoritative quotes. The way I would influence someone to my way of thinking is by utilizing mainly formal authoritative quotes, and adapting to that person’s style.
Eyes: Pupillary light reflex: Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light. Accommodation is present. Eyebrows, eyelids, and lashes are present, symmetric, and eyelids are a proximal completely. Conjunctive is pink, clear, with no swelling or lesions. Sclera is china white. Patient wears glasses and the glasses are in good repair. The last vision test was last spring and the patient gets an eye exam done every two years. The client states her left eye did not fully develop so she has always had bad vision in that one eye. However, when you look at the eye, you would never notice. Cataracts were removed in both eyes, but it was 3 years apart.
Chemistry is composed of many molecules and changes of properties in the matter of science. The elements on the periodic table arranged from metal to non metals, plays an important role when it comes to making a compound and mixture. Each of the element have their own unique atomic mass which matters when it comes to organizing the periodic table and when there is a calculation. There are lots of importance about the atomic mass of each element that will be discussed later in this essay. An experiment performed using the mass of zinc and copper has determined whether which element have excess remaining. Will there be a difference if an alkali metal was used?
Vision without correction is 20/20 hand motion. Applanation 16 and 14. The anterior segment is clear and quiet in the right eye and there is evidence of iris neovascularization. He has a well placed PC IOL in the right eye. The left eye shows 2+ nuclear sclerosis with 2+ cortical spoking. Posterior segment of the left eye shows a dense vitreous hemorrhage with a positive red reflex. No evidence of retinal detail.
The objective of this experiment was to calculate the mass of hydrogen collected and to compare it to the theoretical mass of hydrogen that should have been produced based on the limiting reagent off this reaction.
I spent most of this week working on end-of-semester projects, reanalyzing my current set of data, and preparing for another round of kinetic experiments.
In this experiment, we were given three main goals to accomplish. We were to identify the compound through a series of organized experiments and analyze as many physical chemical properties as possible.