Impact of Solution The “Six Thinking Hat” approach that was outlined in Hoefer (2016) will look at the impacts of initiating a “Violence Against Women Educational & Prevention Program.”
White Hat. Looking at the statics of violence against women, “it is estimated that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner at some point in their lives, while “70% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner in their lifetime” (United Nations Women, 2016). Gaps in this data include the severity of violence against women. Often times when violence is used against women, the perpetrator makes threats to those of importance to the women (children,
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An educational project is a weak idea because what if all people aren’t reached? What if people don’t attend or participate in the program? What happens when emotions are sparked in those who have experienced violence? What happens if an institution fails to conduct the program? These are all negative aspects of the program, which is why during the planning phase many people need to get involved so the chances of these lessen significantly.
Yellow Hat. This program is a great idea because there are many programs for victims and perpetrators of violence against women, yet, none that educate and support respect for all people. By providing this program many people will be saved from the repercussions of violence against women. Education will be provided for at least grades kindergarten through 12th grade, which will help prevent and hopefully create more reports of when this does happen. The statistics will also become more accurate, which will also foster more change.
Green Hat. To keep the creativity flowing, meetings will be held at different spots. At all meetings there will be different items on the table, such as pipe cleaners and play-doh, to help foster an active mind. If this does not help the creativity, brainstorming and different activities will be used to help get back on
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VEP fosters the idea of education. Through this educational program the children, teens and adults will learn through assemblies, different presentations and lesson plans. Through VEP, violence against women and the impacts, along with and respect between women and men will be learned. The program will also include a way for people to report violence that specially focuses on protection and safety for that individual and the individuals involved. The different presentation styles and educational content will be developed in a way that is appropriate to each age level it is
Jackson Katz’ Ted Talk attempts to investigate a solution for violence against women and men through gender equality. This video is created from the mindset of an American educator on gendered violence within workplaces, families, households, and schools. Katz refers to his hypothesis that the human brain’s cognitive structure is programmed to condemn the victim of the violence thus setting back the progression of eliminating gender violence. Katz dissects the fact that we have numerous amounts of technology to develop society’s knowledge of violence and analyzes the significance of brutality as a deeper sociological systemic complication.
Developed by Girls Incorporated, Project Bold was constructed to help girls and young women learn important skills and strategies that could help lead to safer lives within their homes, relationships, and communities (Girls Inc. Project Bold, 2015). Through the aid of a three step program development system, researchers within Girls Incorporated developed a theory of change surrounding violence that girls and young women experience, gathered data to support the proposed theory of change, and from that theory, created a logic model and measurement strategy that became known as Project Bold (Project Overview,
Domestic violence against women happens around the world every day, but the main focus of location discussed in this paper is Washington State. Females are most likely to suffer domestic violence abuse from someone that they know. In such cases, it has been a spouse that is the attacker. Women escape these violent crimes and reach out for help, but not every time. Based off of the data collected, I strongly believe that females are more often victims of domestic violence than males.
The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 is a United States policy that was put in place by the 113th Congress on January 3, 2013. The VAWA first passed in 1994 was under the guidance of then-Senator Joe Biden. Violence against women has become an important matter in the U.S. that needs to be addressed. This paper will give an in-depth analysis and will provide a better understanding of the VAWA policy. The policy analysis includes delineation and an overview of the policy, a historical analysis, social analysis, economic analysis, political analysis, policy evaluation, and current proposals for policy reform. The goal of the VAWA 2013 is to improve the response to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.
Joe Biden and the United States Congress recognized the severity of violence against women and the need for national policy by passing the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. The original Violence Against Women Act, for short VAWA, provided provisions holding offenders accountable for their crimes and ensured programs to provide services for victims of violence (, n.d.). VAWA improved the criminal justice response to violence against women with federal funds given to law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, etc. every year to ensure adequate training and understanding
Domestic violence is a universal problem that can affect an individual of any age, gender, race, education level, social class, or culture. This type of violence is considered to be one of the most widespread public health crises in the United States (Black et al., 2011). The purpose of this essay is to create a plan for a program that addresses domestic violence-related crime in West Virginia. To begin, significant information in relation to domestic violence will be provided. This will be followed by the program plan, which will include seven steps: an analysis of the problem, identification of goals and objectives, development of a program design, development of an action plan, development of a plan to monitor program effectiveness,
Throughout history, women have continuously found themselves as the subjects of oppression. Although the treatment of women has drastically changed over time, women are still exposed to much of the violence that exists today. Per the National Organization for Women, “young women, low-income women and some minorities are disproportionately victims of domestic violence and rape” (National Organization for Women, 2016). Women-centered violence is highly prevalent and reoccurring all over the world, even in our local communities. Individuals may be hesitant to consider just how much violence against women affects their communities.
The article constructs domestic violence as an issue of gender, race and socioeconomic status. Women are identified as the “majority” of victims (Taylor 2014). Consequently, the article conceptually represents domestic violence as events of intimate terrorism where one partner violently terrorizes the other partner to gain complete control over the relationship, which is entirely perpetrated by men (Johnson 2012). With that said, Johnson (2012) points out that majority of domestic violence is situational couple violence, where both the man and the
Many women are experiencing violence against them, whether it be physical, mental, or verbal. According to Kirk, Terry, Lokuge, and Watterson, “Violence against women (VAW) is a major issue worldwide, with an estimated 35% of women, or roughly 1 in 3, experiencing either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime” (p. 2). There have been many groups that have been created to combat violence against women. The group I will be focusing on is White Ribbon group. The White Ribbon are the defenders of women.
An issue discussed in class that is central to achieving gender equality is the elimination or prevention of gendered violence. Gendered violence is a huge issue, that affects a multitude of women in Canada and all over the world. It is critical to the cause of gender equality, as gendered violence is rooted in the idea that women are lesser than men and it is acceptable to exert power over them through violence. Thus, women are abused, manipulated and assaulted simply due to their gender. This is a severe form of misogyny and sexism in which women are kept in their place, and prevented from rising to their full power and potential. Gendered violence has contributed to gender inequality, as shown in The War at Home. The episode of the CBC series First hand demonstrates the various plights women are forced to go through due to their abusive partners. Even through this, the justice system can behave like another form of abuse. It is not possible for women to be considered equal in a society where their worth as human beings is not respected. An example in the episode is
“Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.” (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men. “Forty-five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old and older by multiple
Since 1970, there has been an increasing and alarming rise 138 percent of violent crimes committed by women. Still, while the equivalent percentage compared to male violence is small 15 percent to 85 percent the fact that the numbers have elevated so drastically points to something changing in society.
Domestic violence against women is prevalent in almost all the societies in the world. It is an issue which was not even recognised as a crime 40 years ago and is still not recognized as a crime by many societies. Women suffer from violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological violence by strangers and their partners all over the world (Kaya, 2010). Even though it is a worldwide occurrence, there are some women who face more intense and frequent violence depending on their culture, country, religion,
For example, this may entail establishing behavior and discipline codes, the use of criminal penalties against selected students, or the placement of problem students into alternative educational institutions.” (Hoang 3) Thus, students should understand what violence is and understand what to do if conflict arises. In these seminars each child is informed of what precautions to take. Students are also informed of available counseling that they can use in the event that they become involved in a violent incident. Students should be educated in knowing what to do and how to control emotions or anger in crisis situations.
Anda de dan Diane. (1999), The Evaluation of a Skill-Based Violence Prevention Program for High School Adolescents. Social Work in Education, v21 n3 p137- 49