
Skill Teaching Exercise Process Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Skill Teaching Exercise Process On the first meeting with Bug, 10/20/2016, since I anticipated that she knew what a burpee was, the first thing I did was show her a video of what a “perfect” burpee looked like. Then I asked her to actively complete the burpee from the video I showed her to give me a good starting point and a general idea what we really needed to work on. She needed work on the push up portion of the burpee but there were other minor fixes she would need as well. In the end, I decided I would break up the burpee into portions and have her learn it this way. This was actually the plan I had set in motion from the beginning. The total time for this meeting was about 6 minutes and most of the time was watching the video of the burpee. On day 2, 10/27/2016, I planned on going over an air squat, the correct way to place the hands on the ground, and how to get from a squatted position to a plank position. She actually learned this portion fairly quickly within about 3 minutes. The biggest challenge she had regarding this was that she kept rounding her back when she …show more content…

I did test her on what we had previously gone over, but she had no trouble with this. First she would have to complete the push up with her knees on the ground as opposed to a full push-up. She insisted on completing it this way but I had to explain that the perfect burpee had to be done in a full plank position push-up. I could tell that she was slightly frustrated that she was not getting the motion down as easily as she had hoped. I was being very strict on the way she did this movement because this is a very important movement during the burpee. The back had to be straight, neutral spine, hands right under the shoulders, push hands into the ground and try to spread the ground out, bend at the elbows keeping them close to the body, touch the ground, and push back up. This in total took 15

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