
Skilled Immigrant Case Study

Decent Essays

This report will look at the issue of educational qualifications and work experience from their origin country not being recognized in the Canadian workforce. It will overview the struggle that newcomers have to face when they arrive in Canada and realize that there is a low opportunity to find a job in their field. This report will focus on Asian skilled immigrants coming from different job levels with a detailed research in the medical field. Also, it will provide solutions and different pathways that the Canadian government can implement to help immigrants. Finally, it will present recommendations for skilled immigrants on what to expect on their arrival and overcome difficulties finding a job in their field.

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They settled mostly in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal because they are seen as big cities with greater job opportunities. The problem with skilled immigrants taking unskilled jobs began in 1880 when immigrants from Asian countries were hired to build the Canadian Pacific Railway. Those that are affected are people that come with high level of education and their credentials and experience are not transferable. This causes a psychological effect because skilled immigrants have spent many years getting educated and come from high paying jobs. The immigrants that come to Canada are not given the opportunity to continue their career that they have built for themselves and unfortunately end up taking unskilled jobs with a huge drop in salary which creates a very high level of emotional instability. The consequence of this results in Canada spending more on welfare because these newcomers will depend on the country. Canada as a country is missing out on talent because many skilled immigrants will think twice before moving, considering the fact that it is much more difficult to find opportunities that will allow them to pursue their career without having to go back to College and redo their

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