
Skin Color Discrimination In America

Decent Essays

There are citizens in the United States who believe they are living in a free society where all individuals enjoy the same livelihood and have throughout this nation’s history. There are also citizens living in that same country who do not see this place as one where everyone is valued but discriminated against on the basis of skin color. For almost four-hundred years, blacks have been seen as inferior to whites based on the color of skin. The United States has a history of slavery and people fighting for equal rights. Children need to be taught that we do not judge on the basis of skin color. A teacher by the name of Jane Elliott decided to teach her third grade students about the dangers of making judgements based on physical characteristics such as skin color and eye color. Her lesson was designed to bring the reality of discrimination to the for front of her students minds. She began her fight to educating people about reality of racism the day after Dr. Martin Luther …show more content…

According to Hughes, Meltzer, and Lincoln (1968), “Many Africans were to be uprooted from their native villages to become dark skinned chattels of the settlers of the New World”. From the moment they stepped onto this new land they were seen as nothing less than property to their white oppressors. The slave trade was in full motion by the seventeenth century and millions of slaves were imported until 1807 when Congress passed a law banning the importation of African slaves (Hughes et al., 1968). A people whose worth was dependent on what they could do to help the white man. Whether it was the life of a house servant or a laborer in the cotton, rice, sugar, and tobacco fields, your life was not your own. You worked in a home that was not your own and labored on property that you did not own. The only training or education you received was how you were to complete duties as a

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