Potential sources of measurement error can occur while using the skin fold method if the person that is administrating the test has not had significant amount of practice. Taking skin fold measurements requires specific training. Without training, it is complicated to obtain consistent accurate skin fold measurements. To reduce error while using the skin fold method, it is important to have a good quality skin fold caliper. Good-quality calipers should deliver a specific amount of force and this can be assured by the manufacturer of the caliper. he easiest skin fold site to measure was the abdominal area. Typically, most people have a greater amount of fat in this area, therefore, it was easier to grab and measure. The thigh is the most difficult …show more content…
Certain areas of measurements was harder to take than other areas because of it’s angle. It was harder to take skin fold measurements on a participant who did not have much fat on their body. It was also difficult to take measurements when the participant was in multiple layers of clothes. The potential sources of error when measuring circumferences and skeletal diameters can occur if the administrator does not properly measure the specific areas. Measuring too high or too low of a certain area can skew accuracy. It is also important for the administrator to remember to stand on the right side of the participant. Not accurately reading the measuring tape can result in error. For example, reading inches instead of centimeters would cause error. For my skin fold measurements, body fat percentage was between twenty-five and thirty-five percent. For BIA, my body fat percentage for sitting was twenty-two percent, standing with straight arms was twenty-one percent, and standing with bent arms at seventeen percent. The measurements may have been different since the SKF was taken by a person and BIA through a machine. Although the results were not completely off, it was off by a few
Nevertheless, the unidentified person may have had malnutrition, which would lead to stunted growth in certain areas that happened to not affect the humerus or femur. Back to how the results came out, the students plugged the measurements into certain formulas according to race and gender. By having these differences in formula, it made it more accurate because each race and gender, due to genetics, can make the height different.
The Army Body Composition Program (ABCP) relies on a basic form of body circumference measurements to determine a soldier’s body fat composition. Many people believe this standard of measuring is an unfair and inaccurate representation of their true body composition. There are several options that could provide a more accurate measurement such as hydrostatic testing, skin fold method, Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) only to name a few. There are many factors that influence the decisions of leaders such as availability, cost, reliability and accuracy of the method in which method they decide to use.
There weren’t any factors that could have made my data erroneous. However, I felt the skin folds’ data was not accurate. I believe the reason that may be is because of my muscle mass. The underwater weighing is the most accurate body fat calculations you can get. One factor that could have made the erroneous is by not realizing all the air bubbles out of your shorts. Another factor is not blowing out all of the air in your lungs. It took me a few times to get all of the air out of my lungs. The first and second time calculations were completely different. Following the second results me third and fourth calculations were close. Overall, the test was precise and most definitely reliable.
This was because we lacked a level to keep the apparatus at 90 degrees to the ground and it was difficult to measure the length of the rope whilst tying it up to the stand at different heights. It was a combination of these factors as well as my partner’s focus on the experiments that likely caused the error. This is because during the experiment I would count the number of swings and my partner was supposed to time the length of swings. However, During the experiment my partner got distracted on multiple occasions including on trial 2 for 87.5 cm. This is likely what made the error so much larger than for the other trials. However, it was likely my measuring of the length of rope and the angle of swing which caused the smaller errors as it was difficult to measure the angle by eye and measure the length of rope whilst tying
BMI was measured by dividing the subject’s body mass by height squared. Body mass (weight) was measured on a scale in pounds then converted into kilograms. Height was measured with a stadiometer, in inches then converted into centimeters. (BMI= weight/height^2) Waist to hip ratio was measured using gulick tape measure. The tape went around the subject’s waist meeting the belly button and then wrapped around the hips (wrap the tape around once and end on the number zero). The waist number will be divided by the hip number (Waist/Hip). The seven site Skin Fold measured subcutaneous fat with a caliper. The seven site skin fold testing was more accurate than the three skin sites testing. The triceps, subscapular, chest, axilla, suprailium, abdomen, and thigh were the seven sites for the skin fold testing. These seven areas were measured in sets of three, each being measured by different
Euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, peaceful death, there are plenty of names for it, but not one single name gives an accurate representation of just what exactly takes place. “We categorically reject the moral relativism, the utilitarian view that what is right or wrong depends just on weighing whether benefits outweigh risks and harms, and in particular, that this is only a matter of personal judgment” (Boudreau & Somerville , 2014). Euthanasia is a broad topic with an unimaginable numbers of opinions good and bad. In order to take a step closer in the right direction there needs to be a level of agreement reached between opposing sides. The whole subject is based on what you, he, she, or I think is morally, religiously, and politically correct, but ultimately the person dying should be who decides whether they are going for right or wrong reasons.
Volume is measured by the pod. And density of fat, muscle and bone and water is known. The percentage of body fat can be calculated from overall body density. Skinfold calipers are reasonably accurate and quick and easy to do. However, the subject is high to variability and inaccurate if the individual has localized body fat. This process involves measuring the thickness of two levels of skin plus the subcutaneous (that right under the skin) fat at four to six locations around the body. The most common locations are triceps, shoulder blade, abdomen, calf and love handle area. These measurements are totaled to arrive at a sum of skinfolds which is put on a table which equates skinfold total to percent body fat. Finally, the bio-impedance technique is quick and easy to do, but readings are affected by hydration status and skin temperature; Inaccurate if individual has localized body fat. In this process, the subject either stands on a scale like device or holds an apparatus in outstretched hands and pushes a button. The button sends a very small current of electricity through that specific part of the
According to the Waist-To-Hip ratio on the table 0.76 is considered low risk of diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes (King, 2018). On the Skinfold measurements on table 3 the BF% obtain, on the Siri equation was 35.29 % and on the 33.83% on the Brozek equation. For the hydrostatic weighing on table 4, on the Siri equation the BF% was 46.00% and on the Sire equation it was 48.47%. On the BodPod the BF% obtain was 13.1%. As for the BIA the BF% calculated was 42.5 %.
Method Firstly gather the equipment needed to complete the test. Begin by finding the first part of the body which needs measuring. Pinch the skin and the skinfold of the athlete with the index finger and thumb, this is important as it includes the skin and fat of the athlete. Then use the callipers one centimetre from the fingers at a depth equal to the thickness. Record the same area of the body three times and then take an average of the three by dividing the total of the number by three.
Using the appropriate population- specific equation from tables to calculate the estimated body density from the skin measurement.
e skin is the biggest organ in the human body. It covers the whole body and is waterproof. It severs many important roles such as protecting the body against harm, regulating body temperature, keeping water and electrolyte balance, feeling painful and pleasant stimuli.
the different masses under the skin, and to accurately measure the skin depth forces the scientific
Our skin is the largest part of our body and needs constant care and miniaturization to achieve a healthy glow. First thing to healthy-looking skin is maintaining an internal regimen; drinking lots of water and eating fruits and veggies will keep skin nourished, moisturized and blemish free.
Although “concussion” was not the best movie I had ever seen, there were still some parts that attracted me to watch it. It instantly caught my attention when it said that this movie was based on a true story. I feel like movies based on a true story are more relatable and you can picture it better happening then one that is not. To start off the movie A man named Dr. Benetton Omalu is considered one of the best pathologists. He is originally from Nigeria and is very religious. Throughout the movie he feel the need to be the best American he can be. He meets a man by the name of Mike Webster, who Omalu ends up saying changed his life. Mike Webster came into his work place with some severe symptoms, including saying he was hearing things, and he was pulling his own teeth out and gluing them back in. He ends up dying, so Omalu decides he needs to do an autopsy. They know that Webster used to play football and there is no report of concussion which is fairly odd given that football player collide all the time. Omalu wants to preform tests that look at Webster brain closer. His company won't give him funding for it, so he decides it's important enough that he will use his own money, he is sitting at home with a women that is living with him because his church asked him if she could, and he is trying to find anything wrong with the brain. Prema the women living with him throughout the movie encourages dr Omalu to keep doing what he's doing. Prema and Omalu end up getting
Working with students with special needs, teachers have the responsibility of protecting students’ right. Special education teachers are required to keep high standards and meet best practices. According to the Preliminary Credential Competency Checklist Historical and Legal Foundation 1.4 (2014), two of the best practices that are enforced in the special education field is to individualize education and evidence-based practice (p.1). Being a teacher in a special education classroom, there is a diverse level of learners and each student has an individual method of learning. The role of the teacher is to verify each student’s learning is being met. Individualizing a lesson by making accommodations or modification for them to learn the curriculum. Implementing evidence-based practice is using an educational method of learning that will support the student’s learning based on previous research. Using evidence-based practice in a special education classroom is a key component when a student or students need an intervention to support them in the academic area they are struggling. Special education teachers are responsible for meeting best practice standards for students’ academic learning.