
Essay Skin and Bones: The World of Modeling

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Walking down the runways fierce and bold wearing the wings of angels and enough lingerie to make a man drool, their heels clanking loudly as they take big strides down the cat walk, and striking a pose at the end. Models are beautiful, bold and fierce; and according to most people, they have all the confidence in the world. What people do not know, are all the difficulties that models go through every day to keep up the portrayed “model” image. A lot of models battle with eating disorders and have various health issues due to the weight limitations they are put under. There should be no weight limitations on models due to the extreme sicknesses and health problems they will endure trying to reach the set criteria be perfect models. …show more content…

When Wilkin first set out to be a model, she was turned down because she was not thin enough. “I had expected it to be glamorous and fun, but it wasn’t like that at all. One day I was put in a line-up with 12 models. We were all naked apart from flesh-colored thongs, standing in front of a panel of casting directors. They basically went through us and said ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘yes’, ‘no’, depending on whether we were thin enough. If you weren’t thin enough you were sent out of the room immediately. I was sent out.”(Wilkin 1). After being turned down, Wilkin started to limit her eating and sleeping in order to lose the weight that she needed to in order to make it past the judges. Wilkin was initially encouraged to lose weight unhealthily by her modeling agent. She was not educated on the proper ways to lose weight in a healthy way, so ultimately Wilkin resorted to not eating at all. By having weight restrictions put on models, it leads them to believe that they need to go to extremes such as, binging and purging in order to lose weight. Modeling agents should instead talk to their girls about healthy eating and give them tips that can help them lose weight without harming their bodies in the process. Girls should not have to lean toward the point of starvation or sickness just to be exactly how a designer envisions them to be.
In the article “The Influence of Real Women in Advertising on Mass Market Fashion Brand Perception.” a couple of

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