
Slave Ship Creole

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The journal article, ‘The Revolt On The Slave Ship Creole: Popular resistance to slavery in post-emancipation Nassau’ was written by Edward Eden. Dr. Edward Eden is a professor of English at Hanover College, Indiana, U.S.A. This article was taken from the ‘Journal of the Bahamas Historical Society, October 2000,’ pages 13 through 20.’ As penned by the author the main purpose of this article is to familiarize its Bahamian readers with the revolt on the slave ship Creole in an effort to solicit sources of information that may have been missed or lost to get a better understanding “about cooperation among American and Bahamian blacks in resistance to slavery.”
On October 27, 1841 the slave ship Creole was said to have set sail from …show more content…

West Indian soldiers hired by the Governor thwarted attempts on freeing the American slaves on board the Creole. The American consul John F. Bacon and Governor Cockburn were at odds from the beginning as to how to handle the situation on the Creole. Governor Cockburn along with the council of Nassau decided to imprison those who played a part in the revolt and free the other slaves. Bacon on the other hand wanted the ship returned the United States so those involved would be tried on their soil. Although the ship seemingly under the control of the British, American soldiers attempted to commandeer it in an effort to take it back to Florida on November 12, 1841. They were unsuccessful in their attempt.
The Bahamians on the shore of Hog Island were keeping a close eye on the events taking place on and around the ship. After this attempt on the Creole by the Americans it set the Bahamians on high alert. Wanting to make sure that these slaves were treated fairly and set free, they no longer seemed willing to sit idly by and do nothing. The pilot who had guided the Creole into Nassau weaponized small boats, and surrounded the ship. Upon seeing this Attorney General Anderson grew fearful that there might be more bloodshed. He wanted to prevent any further violent actions so he allowed the white and black freed Bahamians there to take the ex- slaves ashore. He took the nineteen men who were

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