
Slavery Essay

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Slavery is something that should have never happened, but unfortunatly it did. This

project is about the history of slavery in America, and the terrible unfair reality that slaves had to

deal with.

When the Meso American, or the Middle American natives first encountered the Europeans, they were very familiar with slavery. Among the most advanced civilizations in

Central America was the Aztecs and Maya. In these places slavery, although not necessary, was

common. The Aztec used the the same methods for getting slaves as other cultures. Slaves were

prisoners of war, criminals, debtors, and poor people selling family members into slavery. The

most common reasons for becoming a slave was poverty, or not being able to pay taxes …show more content…

The constitutional delegates were able to reach a compromise on the issue of slavery

representation. They decided that for the purpose of representation, each slave would count for

three-fifths of a person. Several individual states would be allowed to get rid of slavery in their

own time and in their own ways. The African slave trade would continue for twenty more years,

until 1807. Although fewer than 500,000 of the 30 million slaves kidnapped from Africa had

entered North American parts, generations of breeding had raised their number in United States

to 4 million by 1860.

The invention of the cotton gin and spinning and weaving machines at the end of the

eighteenth century sealed the destiny of thousands of Africans. Spinning and weaving machines

could produce cotton cloth at low cost.

By the 1860's southern plantations were producing 75 percent of the worlds cotton. This

meant that they needed more land, but also more hands to do the terrible and painful labor. The

slave traders of New England and the native cheifs of Africa produced the necessary slaves.

There have been two basic types of slavery in the past. The most common was the

household slave or domestic slave. Although these slaves occasionally worked beyond the

household doing work such as harvesting, most of the time they

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