
Essay on Slavery In Illinois

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Slavery in Illinois

This essay talks about the dated events that happened in Illinois, focusing on slavery, from the time it begun, whether it should be implemented or not, its abolishment, and up to the time it ended. The paper also contains a well-opinionated reaction about slavery, how it is different from today.
The Civil War Period has always been the primary hub of teaching in any American History classes. The era between the American Revolution and the Civil War was of a great importance since it has been the best and worst part of the western civilization during those times. The limelight was theirs when we turn back the pages of history. Consequently, slavery as an economic system and as a moral disgrace is one of the very …show more content…

There were enacted laws such as slave codes and the like. These law restricts the slaves’ liberty and freedom and further protects the institution of slavery. These early years of slavery enabled Illinois to have an Idea about how it would be of a great help if there were slaves in Illinois.
In the year 1720, Kaskasian Commandant named Pierre Duque had quoted how 100 Negroes could be used for this kind of settlement. And so, this was the first time African slavery was proposed in Illinois. (Eckberg, 145). There, slavery had begun. It continued up to the years of the French, and British era in Illinois and ended in the year when Illinois was declared to be a free constitution in 1848.
Jesuits have claimed to have 16-18 African slaves in Illinois during the French time. The Jesuits in Illinois during that time were able to buy slaves as they were the wealthiest people in Illinois. They own acres of land that they needed slaves to remove their lands and use them for agricultural purposes and a miners. (Eckberg 143) It was said that a person named Philip Francis Renault was the first person who could have brought slaves from Haiti to Illinois in 1719 to work on mines. 500 slaves were promised, and there was an agreement that 25 Negroes will be sent annually, but most of them were never sent due to the reason that the operations were never successful. It was uncertain how many slaves were brought by Reynauld, but figures show it was not 500. Reynauld holds the title

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