
Slavery In Military

Decent Essays

“Chamberlain felt an oddness, a crawly hesitation, not wanting to touch him…he felt it again: a flutter of unmistakable revulsion…He had not even known this feeling was there.” (p. 169 The Killer Angels)
Racial differences exist, to pretend they don’t is a ridiculous notion and does nothing to bridge division and heal wounds caused from years of exclusion. However, the difference lies in acknowledging one’s racial biases, and having the self-awareness to want to correct it as General Chamberlain did. The flip side is believing that you are doing “God’s will”, and continue to foster this ignorance, hatred and racial discord through generations.
“Thou shalt not take the name of Lord thy God in vain” is one of the Ten Commandments. When the South decided to go to war and fight to the death over the right to enslave human beings, who were brought to this country by force, bought and sold like meat at an auction, separated from their families and subjected to unimaginable horrors and repeatedly justified it by saying, “It’s in God’s hands now”, they took His name in vain. The hypocrisy of being a Christian army, representing supposed Christian people while treating African American’s the way they did is the height of absurdity.
Slavery, and what to do about it is a topic that our country is still …show more content…

Paul Reeve says it best, “Newsflash: Historians do not sit around waiting for people to erect a monument so that we can then teach history. Statues are not the totality of “history,” but manifestations of public memory, specific to a place and time. Removing a statue does not erase history. History is not the study of statues. If there were no statues of Robert E. Lee, he would not be erased from history. He left a written record. Rest assured, historians will still teach about Robert E. Lee and the racism and evils of the Confederacy that he supported even if all the statues are

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