
Sld Survey

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\section{Data Series and Methodology}
In our analysis we use the Survey of Labor and Income Dynamics (SLID), a longitudinal data set from 1993-2011. SLID is a household survey, which provides long-range longitudinal follow-up on Canadian families and individuals' demographic background, income, education level, labor market activities and financial situation. SLID interviews the same people for six consecutive years. The SLID survey is composed of seven panels and a new panel is introduced in every three years. So except for the first panel from 1993-1995, all the remaining panels are overlapped for three years and panel-7, which is the last panel of the survey contains just one year (2011). Each panel includes about 15,000 …show more content…

In our study, five-year frequency of mobility is a representation of estimation of provincial mobility based on census data. Compare to five-year frequency, one-year frequency of mobility provides more accurate information because the mover can move anytime within these five years. In one-year frequency we can identify the exact timing of the move and less ambiguity regarding the possible several moves within five years of …show more content…

Equation \ref{wageeachedu} for each education group and equation \ref{wageeachage} for each age group, which are as follows:

\begin{equation}\label{wageeachedu} wage_{itp}= \beta_0+ \beta_1 mov_{itp}+ \beta_2 age_i + X_i +\delta_p+ \delta_t+ \epsilon_{itp}

The coefficient $\beta_1$ measures the earnings difference between movers vs stayers for each education and age groups in the same locality.

\begin{equation}\label{wageeachage} wage_{itp}= \beta_0+ \beta_1 mov_{itp}+ \beta_2 educ_i +X_i + \delta_p+ \delta_t+ \epsilon_{itp}

In this paper, we also analyze movers wage pattern after considering three years before and after the provincial move. SLID provides us information about the hourly wage of an individual for six consecutive years. To observe the wage pattern we consider individuals who have provincial move only in the year 4th year of any panel. So we have the opportunity to capture the wage three years before provincial move and three years after provincial move (inclusive the 4th year of the panel) of an individual. For estimating the three years lag and lead wage pattern we use equation \ref{wageall} for all sample and \ref{wageeachedu} and \ref{wageeachage} for each education and age group respectively. For each equation we assign the dependent variable (wage) based on three years lag $(t-3)$ to three years

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