
Sleep And Academic Performance For Undergraduates : A Multi Measure, Multi Predictor Approach

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II. Body 1: Cognitive Domain
A. Sleep effects cognitive domain in these areas: Thinking, learning, understanding, gaining knowledge, perceiving, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, identity formation, etc
B. Study 1:
i. Sleep and academic performance in undergraduates: A multi-measure, multi-predictor approach: ii. Sleep affects academic performance
C. Summarize Study 1:
i. Grades suffer based on sleep deprivation
D. Study 1 Results:
III. Body 2: Emotional domain
A. Self esteem, pride, shame, sympathy, empathy, mental health, stress, anxiety, happiness, anger, hopelessness, etc
B. Study 3:
i. Rumination and anxiety mediate the effect of loneliness on depressed mood and sleep quality in college students
C. Summarize Study 3:
i. Observed relationships between loneliness and depressed mood and poor sleep quality in college students. First study to see if rumination and trait anxiety are psychological mechanisms.
D. Results of Study 3:
i. Consistent results: rumination and trait anxiety fully mediated the associations between loneliness and depressed mood as well as poor sleep quality
E. Study 4:
i. A population-based investigation into the self-reported reasons for sleep problems which relates to the rates of depression and feelings of solitude from study 3.
F. Summarize Study:
i. Identities reasons for sleep problems such as insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. May be connected to worry, stress, depression, and unhappiness.
G. Results of Study 4:
i. Out of 7,403

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