Kevin Touch
Ms. Acosta-Mata
English 4 AP
6 Oct. 2015
Sleep Deprivation: A Bane to Men, Women and Children alike It was 12:30 am in the morning and Israel Joubert and his family was driving home after a family reunion. Joubert had hoped to get to his workplace on time at 8 am in the town of Fort Worth. However in the midst of his driving, Joubert fell asleep at the wheel resulting in a crash of the family’s Chevy Suburban into the rear of a parked 18-wheeler. Although one of his sons and he had survived, his wife and five kids were killed. (Fryer) In the article titled “Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Deficiency”, Sleep Deprivation is defined as a “condition that occurs if you don’t get enough sleep”. The fact of the matter is, sleep deprivation manipulates millions of people who are ignorant about the adverse effects of sleep deprivations to do devastating harm to not only themselves but others that they might deeply love. Due to the adverse physiological effects to humans, sleep deprivation will continue to undermine human society by taking advantage of sleep-deprived humans. Therefore, it is essential to inform the public about measures to prevent and treat sleep deprivation. In order to understand the effects of sleep deprivation, one must first understand how the body makes does one go to sleep. First off, the human body is built with an internal body clock which controls when one is awake and when one’s body is ready to go for sleep. Known as the circadian rhythm, this
As a college student, the information David Randall presents is very intriguing due to the fact that most of us are sleep deprived due to late night studying, among other things. It is very evident that Randall relies on statistics to build and progress his argument. He tells us how over time certain statistics have increases and by how much. This opens our eyes and makes us realize that there really is an issue. By providing these sources Randall becomes trustworthy and our doubt of whether this is true or not are put to rest. The author comes into contact with our feels once he brings in true stories to the picture. He informs us of the incidents that have occurred due to sleep deprivation. At this point the issue becomes more than a statistical
Sleep is a biological rhythm that provides consciousness and alertness for people. When people are deprived of sleep, their bodies’ ability to maintain homeostasis is disrupted. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem among many young people these days. It seems to affect the young people more than those of other age groups. With a heavy loaded schedule, young people often allow themselves to stay up all night finishing tasks. Most college students stay up late, trying to cram in the study for their important exam they have the next day. While students might think that the more they study, the more material they will memorize, having sleep deprivation proves the opposite. Most information students thought they memorized was lost, resulting in more information loss than gain. This may differ from person to person, due to the fact that the total hours of sleep each person needs is different. Typically, adolescents need around seven to nine hours of sleep each night in a twenty-four hour period. People can stay up as late as they want to, but eventually, they would need to sleep and cannot function well without it. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious mental and physical malfunctioning, such as memory loss, learning problems, emotional symptoms like depression and irritability, and diabetes.
This was a very interesting assignment; I have learned some important things on this topic. The topics are on circadian rhythms disorders and sleep deprivation. To start out on circadian rhythms disorders this is what I have learned. Circadian rhythms are regulated by a part of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. One’s alertness, core body temperature, moods, learning efficiency, blood pressure, metabolism, and pulse rate all follow these circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms lead to sleep deprivation. Circadian rhythms affect one’s body not allowing one to get the correct sleep and time of sleep one is need to function properly.
Sleep is a rather peculiar action. Why does the brain and the body basically need to lose connection to the world for a few hours? Insomnia, which is the inability to sleep, can cause many symptoms and they are not delightful whatsoever. Sleep deprivation is not only rough because of obvious reasons, but the consequences that harm the brain and body can be devastating. Even if people know what sort of symptoms are, they do not know why these things happen.
Contrary to the notion that sleep corresponds with laziness, the consequences of sleep deficiency are undeniable. Research indicates that, “sleep is a period of heavy physiological
Sleep deprivation is a negative style of sleep, where one does not receive enough sleep to operate their daily functions at an optimum level. Low levels of rest can connate negative effects such as slow reactions, decreases in metabolic rates, and even worse it can predict depression. Slow reaction time is a hazard that I’ve have encountered before. During a state regulated test, I failed to answer all questions within a precise time limit due to sleep deprivation. In addition, I have had difficulty
Many disorders and diseases can result from abnormal sleeping patterns that are triggered from sleep deprivation. The most common forms of sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy (NINDS 10). All of these sleep disorders begin from sleep deprivation and can be managed once they are diagnosed correctly. According to Urban, “Nervousness, dizziness, and sleeplessness may occur”, as a result of sleep deprivation (1). This proves that the slightest health changes can occur if sleep deprivation becomes a problem. According to NINDS, “The disorders and the resulting sleep deprivation interfere with work, driving, and social activities” (10). This shows that the effects of being sleep deprived can drastically change one’s everyday
Sleep deprivation is prevalent in industrialized societies and has been linked to serious health issues and traffic accidents. This essay views sleep and sleep deprivation from five different motivational perspectives in order to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomena. From evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive, and hierarchy of needs perspectives, it is inferred that the cognitive and behaviourist perspectives uphold the most merit for gaining understanding into sleep and sleep deprivation. However, it is
Sleep is a beautiful thing, but people do not get enough of it. It is a time for the body to rejuvenate and process the events of the day. Sleeping is something that we seek out. Getting the recommended amount of sleep allows our body to function properly the next day. Without it, there could be detrimental consequences. The National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke says that without sleep, neurons could be “polluted with byproducts”. In severe cases, people who get very little sleep often experience mood swings, hallucinations and cells do not continue to reproduce.
“Unexpected Ways Sleep Deprivation Makes Life Tougher” written by Andrea Peterson, the writer for the Wall Street Journal, explained how not having enough sleep can affect your body and your performance. What one does not obtain the correct amount of sleep it can cause short term and long term effects such as long term memory, short term memory, recall and performance in daily life. Sleep deprivation is a problem that is often overlooked in today’s society. This purpose of this article is to inform our society about the side effects of sleep deprivation in hope of influencing one to change their sleeping patterns. If you do not get the appropriate amount of sleep your daily life will become just that much more difficult.
There were no errors of the fact and interpretation throughout this article. The discussion is relevant on today’s society because many people are not getting enough sleep, which leads to sleep deprivation. This article was completely clear and easy to read. Likewise, the article gave amazing information from different sources, like doctors and scientists. Brown has an objective of commending us about how dangerous sleep deprivation can be and advising us to to receive the right amount of sleep each night. Some examples of evidence that supports her argument are the quotes she has from experts and scientific experiments that were run on humans. Furthermore, she gave examples of unfavorable results due to this problem. Brown did the perfect amount of emphasis on her argument because she uses different pieces of information and all of her evidence supported her claim. One thing Brown should include is how sleep deprivation applies to children, so parents can be aware of the unhealthy habits of the safety of their children. The assumption the author makes is that sleep deprivation is hazardous because using the evidence she has given, it is clear that it is bad for your
What do the effects of sleep deprivation have on people? When a person does not get enough sleep, he or she is depriving his or her body of something that it needs. A delightful sleep is one of the most satisfying human experiences with a role to play in supporting a good mood and cognitive acuity as well as in promoting physiologic balance and resilience (Chittora, Jain and Suhalka). People think because they get an insufficient number of hours of sleep, they will not have an emotional impact by it. Sleep is a required need for peoples’ day to day life to be able to perform and stay healthy emotionally and physically. The effects of sleep deprivation are an issue because it affects mood, performance, and health.
According to WebMD about 43% of Americans do not receive the adequate amount of sleep per night, therefore making them sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation is more of a prevalent problem than people are aware of. Sleep is an essential part of everyday life and the lack of sleep has the ability to be detrimental. Many do not value their time of rest as they should, which puts their health at risk. When one is not fully uneducated on a specific topic it causes a lack of attentiveness. This paper will inform so that the necessary precautions can be taken to prevent any fatalities. This will cover not only what sleep deprivation is by definition; but also what causes it, the effects, and how to avoid it, and what actions to take when sleep deprivation reaches severity.
The threshold for sleep deprivation may be different depending on an individual's personal sleep needs, but obtaining less sleep than you need will inevitably lead to sleep deprivation.
Rapid Eye Movement(REM) has been correlated with dreams and sleep physiology. It has been tracked by brain waves and muscle movements. Non-Rem(NREM) sleep is the first phase which occurs for 1-7 minutes and the easiest to be interfered with. The brain begins firing betawaves every 15-30 seconds. After a while the person becomes asleep and breathing regularly between 6-8 seconds in the second stage. The heart rate begins to slow down and so does the blood pressure. In the third stage there are more thetawaves along with sleep spindles(sigma waves) and k-waves. Most of the noise are lock out and the heart rate and blood pressure are decreasing. In the fourth phase there are thetawaves in the appearance of delta waves firing at 1-5 seconds. The last and final stage, the person is in their deepest sleep and it is very difficult to wake up. The heart rate and blood pressure are at their lowest and the delta wave are blasting every 1-5 seconds.