Often times we may know we are sleep deprived, but simply ignore the signs. In order to bring more awareness to the signs of chronic sleep loss, YouBeauty Expert and director of Behavorial Sleep Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, Shelby Freedman Harris, shared what to look for to find out if you need more shut-eye with The Huffington Post:
1. You are falling asleep super fast: While many people see it as a sign of being a great sleeper, it's actually the opposite. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, consistently falling asleep within 5 minutes of lying down, you may be severely sleep deprived or have a sleep disorder.
2. You are more impulsive than usual: Did you just splurge on an expensive pair of shoes, or eat 2 donuts this morning? Your lack of sleep may be the culprit if it isn't your typical behavior. Sleep deprivation affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is associated with impulse control, judgment, attention, and visual association.
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You are using a lot of clichés: Think back to your conversations over the last week. Have you been using a lot of phrases like "Better safe than sorry," or "You can't have your cake and eat it too?" The frontal lobe that supports creativity is failing you because of your lack of sleep.
4. You are forgetful: If you forgot your smartphone, can't remember to stop by the post office, or can't recall the things on your to-do list, your memory is taking a hit due to your lack of
Central Idea: Provide my audience with the information that they need in order to have a general understanding of how to wakesurf at the beginner level.
* Forgetfulness, maybe forgetting names of people that you have been in contact with every day, or forgetting what you did just hours or days ago.
2. It can also be cause by things that we have a little less control over such
I hope you slept soundly which afforded rest and relaxation and released all, if any built up tension. Assuming upon awaking you were not plagued by any any accompanying discomforts, and the stiffness mentioned in our nightly phone conversation as eased. Your plans for today as stated, include the following errands to post office, supermarket, and possibly the pharmacy, they should be a salutary amount of physical activity and contribute to a deep unbroken sleep tonight.
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the long term effects of lack of sleep
Some people think naps are great, others think that naps are terrible but, science says that naps are important if you do them right. According to doctors who study sleep if you want to take a nap and wake up refreshed you should set a timer for 24 minutes. If you want a longer nap set a timer for 90 minutes to 180 minutes. Also, the reason that people should take 24 minutes and 90-minute naps are because people sleep in cycles and it takes about 25 minutes to go from light sleep to deep sleep and it takes 90-100 to complete a whole sleep cycle. Another reason naps are helpful is according to Maria Allegra people who take 30-minute naps at least three times a week are 37% less likely to die from heart disease. More reasons that people take
Sleep is a glorified free trial version of death; we don't have to commit to dying just yet. We lie on our warm, cozy queen mattresses motionless for a few hours, while our head rests on the doughy white pillows, our muscles are paralyzed and our breathing is unconsciously monitored through our brain. A scary dream pops out of nowhere, flashbacks of our past come spiraling in our memory, we get to witness movies starring ourselves as the protagonist and surviving in different scenarios. Anywhere from two to ten hours of sleep could just kill our past and make us forget about yesterday. Or we can sleep to relieve the pain or sleep to prepare ourselves for the next day. “ Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” These are wise words said from Mahatma Gandhi; the most peaceful non violent icon that lead India to its independence from British rule. If Gandhi swore by some serious shut-eye to lead his peaceful protests then there’s no reason for you to not keep pressing snooze on your iPhone alarm clock to go tackle your day, peaceful or not. Sleep is more than just snoozing away on a king size mattress with the blanket tucked in and the fan turned on. Sleep is unique and catered to each person differently.
Overview: Today I am going to share some information about sleep and the things that come along with it in hopes of you becoming more informed on the importance of sleep.
You can’t fit into your favorite jeans: When you cut your sleep short, your brain
One of the main symptoms of sleep deprivation is excessive daytime sleepiness in addition to poor memory, poor concentration, and depressed mood (Colten, Altevogt, & Institute of medicine, 2006). As time goes by for adults, sleep deprivation increases, and studies have shown that about 18% of adults in the US report getting insufficient sleep.
D.) Sleep deficiency has been linked to increased risk for depression, suicide, and risk-taking behavior (What Are Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency? 2017).
Hook: Do you get enough sleep? Are you getting enough the right amount of sleep? Body1: First of all,if you're a teen that only gets 8 hours of sleep you need about 9-10 hours of sleep.according to source #1 teens need 9-10 hours of sleep to be more alert and have more mental performance,but napping can help too,napping has a downside to(For example in source #1 it says bad sleep habits and long term sleep loss will affect your health.) so in conclusion sleeping and napping can help you stay focused and stay alert but is bad too.
The average human spends about 25 years of their life sleeping. That is equal to one-third of a person’s life. So if sleep is vital and common among every single human, what do you know about it? What happens when we sleep (Attention Grabber)? Before the 1950s, scientists believed that the brain would just “shut off” when we would go to sleep. It wasn’t until the discovery of the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) state that scientists really looked into what happens in the brain while we are asleep. Studies have found that we go through a cycle of stages during sleep, and it is important for our health (Orientation to Topic). Today, I am going to inform you about what really happens when we sleep, and some issues that are found among it (Specific Purpose). In order to really understand this worldwide commonality, you need to know some background on sleep, the stages in the cycle, and some common disorders (Central Idea). I have taken a year long psychology course that went into depth on sleep psychology, and I have done extensive research on the topic to better grasp it (Statement of Credibility). I want to inform you on sleep so you can understand what happens when you close your eyes every night, and so you can detect any irregularities in your sleep pattern (Statement of Goodwill). First, I will give a background of why and how we know to sleep, then I will explain the stages in the sleep cycle, and finally I will tell you about some common disorders (Preview).
Are you tired and having trouble paying attention in class? Focusing on tasks at hand? Or just completely being overall unproductive? The average college student is deprived at least two full hours asleep each night according to “College Tidbits” a website designed to promote healthy lifestyles and productivity in daily college life. These results were pooled from multiple surveys done over hundreds of campuses throughout the United States. Today, I hope to persuade you to fight the statistics and get those extra two hours of sleep. Do what it takes to get the full seven to nine hours that is suggested by the Mayo Clinic. I will discuss two problems. Why college students are not
Most people joke around about how important sleep is and they say things like: “If I don’t sleep right now I might die!”. But many people don’t know how true that statement can be or how important sleep really is. The amount of sleep you get is important and how much sleep you need varies depending on your age. Even naps can help people that have unusual sleeping schedules. Sleeping and napping give you the energy you need to go through the day, but over sleeping or napping can make you even more tired than you were before. Sleeping and napping is a very important thing you need to do to be healthy, to have enough energy to go through the day, and help you be more focused throughout the day.