The source I chose to evaluate is an article called “Sleep to Succeed ” . It’s a U.S. News article published on July 22,2015 , at 10:55 a.m. I found this article on the internet. It was originally published by U.S. News on their website . It’s about teen sleep deprivation how its a serious issue for adolescents and how it effects them emotional and behaviorally . A research and intervention project at Stanford University has found out that sleep deprivation is accurate in some schools . The Night Sleep foundation recommends adolescents about eight to 10 hours of sleep at night. However , high schoolers from across the country get 6.8 hours a sleep which is below the national recommendation . Research have shown how important …show more content…
It allows the body to rest and to recharge itself so that it is able to serve its functions of living. Yet, many people don’t have enough hours in the day to sleep. This is especially true for most teenagers, who are trying to grasp onto their social lives. It’s interesting how school is one of the most important aspects of my life. Teenagers like me spends most of our time either in school or doing homework to further our education. I connect to it because, the pressures of school is enormous. Stress is brought on with every project, experiment, and essay assigned to the students. I’m forced into doing loads of work, day and night trying to catch up to where i’m supposed to be, all in order trying to receive good grades. On many occasions, I’ll be up late studying, reading, basically doing everything but sleeping. My sleep is put off so that more of my schoolwork can be fit into the day. …show more content…
It’s important because some teacher think more homework equate higher achievement but it only creates sleepless nights .Teens are spending a lot of time on homework and it's way too much. There is no evidence to suggest that homework is helpful to student achievement on the contrary, too much of it can overwhelm students.In my opinion, homework should not be an excessive thing so it can reducing burden on students. This will also put an end to the sleeping in class which is posing a risk to our physical health. Students should be given enough time for extra-curricular activities outside school
Not only does homework help student but also it creates interaction between teens and parents. However, statics has shown that even though homework is a way to refresh what students have learned, it also create stress for students. Homework has shown its benefits for student but most of the time when student is given a homework it’s likely he/she will not do it. They believe it’s stressful,and when they can’t get the right answer, they gave up instantly instead of keep practicing. According to researchers, they believe that when student do more homework they get better grades and do well on the test/quizzes that were given. Even though homework has many advantage toward students, it also has disadvantage. Which include having too much homework and these things could lead to mental health issue toward students.
This site was helpful to my essay because it provided useful information about the dangers of sleep deprivation. It also provided a good comparison about how deprived of sleep teenagers are, which I used as my hook. The article seemed credible considering almost all if the information was directly from a published book, cited below. "Sleep in Adolescents.
Imagine: a world where a biological necessity is not seen as a priority, and adolescent’s educations are suffering. This is how schools’ think about sleep.What all human beings need to survive is being put on the back burner by most schools in America- sleep(11a). It has been proven through the process of scientific research that sleep is necessary on the same level as food or activity. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation is a chronic health problem that many youths suffer from today. Teens are naturally predisposed to go to sleep around 11 pm, but are forced to wake up around 6:15, not allowing any time for adequate sleep (“Backgrounder: Later school start Times” 1). Irregular sleep patterns during teenage years can cause long-term
The article stated “59% of sixth through eighth graders and 87% of high school students in the United States aren’t getting the recommended 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night.” When students don’t receive the amount of sleep needed per night, they are less likely to be energized for the day. The Article “Hey You Wake Up” stated “During puberty, that clock shifts. Suddenly you feel like going to bed one to three hours later. But since school starts the same time it always has, getting enough sleep becomes difficult.”
Mr. Bruni talks about how little sleep adolescents are getting compared to how much they actually need. A study is mentioned that states about 55% of teenagers, ages 14 to 17, get less than 7 hours of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends teens get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Sleep experts were brought into a school to promote better sleeping habits. Bruni seemed shocked by this because he normally got more than
Russell Foster has an open discussion of reasons why sleep is important to humans. He mentions that “huge sectors of society are sleep-deprived.” On average, teens need nine hours of sleep for a healthy brain performance. But, nowadays teens are only getting about
"Sleep deprivation among american teenagers is an american epidemic," says Wendy Troxel, a sleep researcher. What she is trying to say is that the fact that kids all over america lose the sleep they need is a widespread problem. She even has a entire ‘Ted Talk’ saying how bad sleep is for children's learning and developing brains, and how school is responsible for many of those problems. Kids need to have sleep to function and get good grades.
Im sure you’ve heard a teenager say “I only get _hours of sleep and i'm fine” However, in the book The Teenage Brain, Frances Jensen shares her research about how many hours of sleep a teenager should get at night and the main causes of sleep deprivation. Teenagers need to be informed that Sleep deprivation among all ages can have a major impact on the actions and lives of people especially teenagers because their brains are developing at such a fast pace. This finding challenges the belief that it’s only a short term effect, like you’ll only be affected the morning ahead. As a result that's why most teenagers grow up to have long term problems or are always stressed.
Only about fifteen percent of teens obtain the preferred eight hours of sleep they need to function properly (Neuroscience for Kids, 2010). Sixty percent of teens say that they are “tired” and fifteen percent fall asleep in class (School and Sleep Times, 2011). This shows that high schoolers are not getting
If students come to school with their brain’s not fully functioning yet because of the lack of sleep they had gotten, it would be extremely difficult to do any work. This can lead to low test scores and an impact on their grades and scores. In Source A, Nancy Shute states, “We truly believe that our teenagers are getting six to seven hours of sleep a night, and they need eight to 10.” (page 1). Many teens aren’t getting the full sleep that they need. Instead they are losing three to four hours of sleep. This amount of lack of sleep can cause student’s to be tired while they are at school. Although there have been many reports insisting that teens should be getting eight to ten hours of sleep, only 15 percent of high schools have embraced the change and made their school start at 8:30 or later. Even worse the percentage of high schools that are starting before 8 a.m. is 40 percent. Some may argue their point that middle and high schoolers can sleep at an earlier time to gain the sleep they lose, but pediatricians say that as children become teenagers their sleep-wake cycle changes. According to Source A, Nancy Shute states, “As children become teenagers, their sleep-wake cycle shifts two hours late, so it’s
“Obtaining adequate sleep is important for achieving optimal health. Among adolescents, insufficient sleep has been associated with adverse risk behaviors, poor health outcomes, and poor academic performance.” (dn 1) To my fellow classmates , is waking up at 6:00 and 7:00 in the morning tiring? Especially on mondays , come on now , we know that mondays are the worse . Up all night , and tired in the morning getting ready for school . All american teenagers attend school to get their education but cannot work if they are sleepy and not focused . Even Though we need to start school early so one we will not get out an hour later , and two ruin after school activities , in studies it shows that students are not fully engaged and woken until
To gain the right amount of sleep would mean that a teenager would have to go to bed at 9:30 pm. In the words of the American sleep researcher, Mary Carskadon, “we are asking 16-year olds to go to bed before 10pm. Rare is a teenager that will keep such a schedule.” She also goes to mention that with all the after school activities, such as athletics, clubs, employment, that “the ability even to have merely ‘adequate’ rest is lost.” After a student goes many consecutive days without the right amount of sleep, it can easily trigger sleep deprivation. In effect, the student’s ability to be “alert, pay attention, solve problems, cope with stress and retain information.” Losing these attributes in school can lower their decision making which can greatly affect their performance in “everything from academics to athletics.”
The quality of students’ homework is much more important than the quantity of students homework and data collected during recent studies has proven that homework is not making the grade. “. . . American students are entangled in the middle of international academic rankings: 17th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math according to the most recent results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)” (Murphy-Paul). Students should not be given an excessive amount of homework because the pressure of having to complete excessive amounts of homework every night is quite daunting for most students. Knowing how much homework is the right amount correlates with age and grade. An 8th grade student should not be given a myriad of homework that would keep her awake past midnight completing assignments. In any case, there should be a limit on the amount of homework all teachers give to students because an excessive amount of homework would eventually cause students to become uninterested in school and learning, which could result in poor test scores and low ranks in international academic rankings. In order for students to carry out daily activities throughout the day restfully, teachers must be able to provide homework that does not exceed the appropriate amount of time needed to complete it, which is based on grade level. If teachers are too clueless of a students health due to excessive amounts of homework, many students will develop cases of sleep
The general arguments given by teachers and some parents are that homework increases the overall grade averages, sharpens study habits, and helps students become more prepared for college work. Along with that, it helps students learn responsibility for life in the work field of the real work. Although these arguments are valid, there are arguments against homework as well. Homework causes students to be stressed out when there is too much to be done by a certain deadline and takes away the free time of students. Some of the work that students are assigned isn't relevant to what they are studying. Worst of all, it causes that struggling student to lose interest in the study of that subject ("Students and Homework"). While it does have negative outcomes, homework also has it's perks.
Many students in school struggle to complete piles of homework assigned to them each night. Some wonder if homework is really critical to learning, and many wish homework wouldn’t exist at all. These people argue that homework is overwhelming and it takes away most of their free time at home and is just “busy work”. While some people may feel this way, I personally believe that homework is a key point of learning because it teaches time management and helps solidify what was learned during the day.