
Sleeping With The Devil by Robert Baer Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Robert Baer’s “Sleeping With The Devil”, is a very interesting book. This book is actually a critique from Baer, who was Central Intelligence Officer (CIA). It describes the relationship that the Americans had with Saudia Arabia. Baer was concerned about how much the relationship between the two was very hypocritical to the American values and that it put the US economy in jeopardy. When it comes to the book’s main theme and points it includes; that America’s corruption on cheap oil and political stability in the Middle East was also a lucrative business relationship, America is vulnerable to economic disaster and risks of terrorism, and that America is blinded by low prices and are not seeing how culturally bribing Saudia …show more content…

They took advantage of America’s dependence on their oil supplies. They are very greedy and corrupted when it comes to money and fortune. The Americans paid the Saudis in a spot of choice where they can meet and talk about money. The Paris Ritz Hotel was where they met and they also threw in a very expensive bottle of wine every time they met to make a deal.
Adnon Khashogg is a Saudi wheel-dealer who serves as the middleman for a variety of deals such as the dealings of oil from the Saudi Arabians. His estimated cost of living per day was 250,000. When Nixon became presidents, Adnon left a briefcase with one million dollars in a neighborhood called the San Clemente. They actually thought Washington was for sale and that’s why it was so much corruption with the Saudis because of greed.

Economic Disaster and Terrorism America was so dependent on the oil from Saudi Arabia until our economy was pretty much depending on it as well. It made America so vulnerable to anything that would happen to the oil fields or in Saudia. That’s also another reason that the US tried to make sure that they had a stable political office. They do not need a leader that will cause problems and start any kind of up rise with the terrorist. It’s hard enough to maintain peace because the Saudis were so greedy. They did extracurricular activities that would catch the attention of terrorist or that would even involve them. Once the terrorist

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