
Slow Wave Lab Report

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Fig. 1. The effect of replacing extracellular chloride, [Cl-]o with gluconate on slow wave activity recorded from mouse jejunal smooth muscle layer. Replacement of [Cl-]o by gluconate significantly altered slow wave properties in a concentration dependent manner (see Fig. 2). A1, A2-C, Representative traces of intracellular recording made in [Cl-]o: 13.3 mM (A1, A2); 39.9 mM (B); and 119.8 mM (C), respectively. In 5 out of 9 experiments, slow waves were abolished (A1). In the remaining 4 experiments, small amplitude residual slow wave activity was observed (A2). The horizontal bar over each traces indicates perfusion period of low [Cl-]o solution. Expanded time scales are shown at the bottom of A1, A2, B, and C with different time points before and after the low [Cl-]o perfusion.
Fig. 2. Measurement of electrical slow wave properties upon replacing …show more content…

6. The effect on slow wave activity of reducing [Ca2+]o in Krebs to the level of [Ca2+]o obtained by adding gluconate (A) and isethionate (B) (see Fig. 5). Lowering [Ca2+]o did not replicate the effect of replacing [Cl-]o with gluconate or isethionate on electrical activity in mouse jejunal smooth muscle layer. A-B, Representative traces of intracellular recordings upon perfusion with 0.13 mM and 0.54 mM [Ca2+]o. Expanded time scales are shown below the traces. C-I, Summarized data illustrating the effects of reduced [Ca2+]o on slow wave properties: At 0.13 mM [Ca2+]o, (equivalent to the level found in 13.3 mM Cl-, 120.3 mM gluconate Krebs) a decrease in the instantaneous frequency (F), shortening of slow wave width (G) and a decrease in the decay times from 90 to 10% of peak amplitude (I) were observed. These effects were reversible on washout. No change was observed in membrane potential (C) and the rest of the slow wave properties (E, H). No effects were observed at 0.54 mM [Ca2+]o (equivalent to 13.3 mM Cl-, 120.3 mM isethionate Krebs; panel D-I). Values are mean ± SEM (N=4-5, *P < 0.05, paired t

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