
Slumdog Dharavi Research Paper

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The Dharavi slums introduce many health risks to those who live there. Health is defined as a human condition measured by four components: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Most of the most pressing health risk the slums create are physical. The way the buildings are so tightly packed together creates a huge fire risk. If one building was to catch fire, it would set off a chain reaction burning down every building it touches. With the limited resources they have, it would be very difficult to stop the fires. The jobs in Dharavi are also very dangerous. Many of the factories and sweatshops that consist of over-worked and under-paid employees that are crammed into small rooms with no safety regulations or labor union to protect them …show more content…

Without the people of Dharvai the tons of garbage that they dump would continue to build up because, Dharavi recycles 80% of the trash the city of Mumbai dumps. But Mumbai has plans to be the largest power in Asia and unfortunately Dharavi is not a part of that plan. They are slowly piecing by piece renovating Dharavi to better the city of Mumbai leaving the people of Dharvai no where to go. The people of dharvai resent the term ‘slum-dog’ and the movie Slumdog Millionaire for coining that phase. They resent the stigma around that name. Stigmas are ‘blemishes’ that discredit a person’s claim to a normal identity. The people of Dharvai resent the term ‘slum-dog’ and the movie Slumdog Millionaire for coining that phrase. They resent the stigma around that name. Stigmas are ‘blemishes’ that discredits a person’s claim to a normal identity. Many protests the movie and the actors in it. They say the nickname is demeaning because they are being compared to a dog and treated as if they were sub-human. It gives off the stigma that these people are uncivilized dirty unintelligent criminals. It gives people the idea that they are low lives, but, many of these people are so much more and more

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