
Smackey Dog Food Essay

Better Essays

Thea, nice work on the paper! You answered almost every question competently and thoroughly. The only question you might have done better on is Q10 for more detail on the rules that apply.. Thank you!

Worksheet for You Decide
Name Thea Zental____ Course Code AC 555_____ Grade ___ Date 02/19/2012

Q1: Discuss how the SEC has influence (if any) over the audit of Smackey Dog Foods, Inc.

The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has a great influence on the audit of Smackey Dog Foods, Inc., which is conducted by Keller CPAs.
When auditing a publicly held company, auditors need to observe principles. The ethical principles of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Code of …show more content…

After this they can assess the risk. The first risk they may want to look at is the control risk by taking a look at how the internal controls system works at Smackey Dog Foods.

Stage 2: Test of internal controls - By testing the effectiveness of the internal controls the auditor can determine the control risk that lies within the company. The audit team can perform tests of controls by making inquiries of appropriate client personnel, examining documents, records, and reports maintained by Smackey, observing control-related activities such as the one done for the inventory procedures for returned Best Boy Gourmet dog food, and re-perform the client procedures.

Stage 3: Substantive tests of Transactions - The Smackey audit team needs to perform substantive tests on the balances of the accounts receivables and inventory accounts. Moreover, substantive tests can be done through performing substantive tests of transactions, analytical procedures and test of details of balances. By running tests of transactions, which is similar to test of internal controls the auditor will take an invoice but this time verifying the monetary amount of the transaction.

Stage 4: Audit Completion - At this stage, the audit team compiles a report to Smackey’s management as regards

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