
Small Groups In The Dream Team

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In the movie The Dream Team, Henry, Billy, Albert, and Jack showed many characteristics of small groups while they were together in New York City. One major characteristic they exhibited was cohesiveness. After Dr. Weitzman got knocked unconscious and taken to the hospital, the group had a common goal of finding the doctor and preventing his murder by the crooked cops. This brought the group together and made them depend on each other to reach this common goal. Interdependence was another characteristic the group exhibited. When Albert, Jack, and Billy got arrested, it affected Henry even though he did not get arrested. He could do very little to help Dr. Weitzman without the rest of the group, so he tried to get them out of jail. That didn’t work out in the end, but Henry still realized that he needed the rest of the group with him. The group experienced many advantages when they worked together. Each individual had very specific problems mentally, but together they helped each other function more rationally. They held each other in check. It is very obvious that they needed each other because as soon as one became separated from the group, his mental handicaps became very apparent. …show more content…

There was almost always conflict among the members of the group because they had such different ways of looking at the world. Their individual mental handicaps greatly magnified the conflict, and they very rarely saw eye-to-eye. The group as a whole was often frustrated with Albert because he would not tell them what happened to Dr. Weitzman, and they were frustrated with Henry because he kept trying to assert his authority as a “doctor.” The group also experienced social loafing to some degree. While each member genuinely tried to contribute, it seemed that Billy did a disproportionate amount of work in the group. He came up with most of the solutions to the group’s problems while the rest of the group just tagged

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