After reviewing the Smarthinking feedback, I intend to make the use of the ideas offered to structure and strengthening my arguments by using claims that can support my writing as well as acknowledging the views to enhance my writer’s credibility. According to Booth, Colomb, and Williams (2008), “some writers fail to acknowledge alternatives because they can’t think of any…others can think of views to acknowledge, but fear that if they do, they weaken their argument” (p. 146). In other words, when a writer is able to acknowledge objections and finding alternative to fix his or her paper, it would be easier to express them. I will continue to use evidence and reasons to support my argument in my program and also in my professional life when
Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint.
Kathryn Schulz argues in “Evidence”, a chapter of her book called Being Wrong, that we need to “learn to actively combat our inductive biases: to deliberately seek out evidence that challenges our beliefs, and to take seriously such evidence when we come across it” (Schulz, 377”). By attending to counterevidence we can avoid making errors in our conclusions.
Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint.
In the 1670s, dissent from small farmers and frontiersmen marred the leadership of William Berkeley. Reasons, such as restrictions on the right to vote, high taxes, low tobacco prices, aristocratic leadership, and inadequate security against Native American attacks caused the dissent. Nathanial Bacon, a relative of William Berkeley, relocated from England in 1673 and became part of the administration in Virginia. Over time, the two disagreed on the issue of Indians (Rice, 2012). It was at this point that emigrants of English descent were conquering land through force.
Night focus’ on the journey of a young, 15 year old boy named Elizer, and his movement from concentration camp to camp. In Night, an autobiography by Elie Wisel, the purpose is to inform the readers of the hardships of the heinous holocaust. Through negatively connotated figurative language and religious perspective, he emphasizes the emotional pain the prisoners endured.
In this paper, I will analyze the memo by applying the steps of the critical thinking model discussed in Asking the Right Questions to assess the arguments made. Among the other tasks I had to make, I will not just analyze the memo but I will evaluate the author’s argument as objectively as possible. I will also provide a thorough evaluation of the issues presented and assess ideas critically, demonstrating clear and consistent treatment of each evaluation. Furthermore, I will verify the information that was in the memo and I will note what is not in the memo. For the last closure of the
This critique will outline the following, but not limited to: a brief summary of the article itself, a detailed review and assessment of the writing, and a choosing of agreement or disagreement.
In this article, I found new key points to support my new claim of what the author 's main point is. At certain parts in the article, the author explains how he has learned lessons in the factory which he couldn 't have learned in the classroom. These lessons allowed him to better his college life, by understanding why it is important to not sack off is one example. There are many instances in this article that I can use to support my claim. By showing the specific text in my essay, will further substantiate my claim and allow me to show my audience the author 's key point and enforce my stance.
Many people have significant difficulty in accepting criticism in any form, even where it is intended to be supportive and constructive. If we are aware that you are likely to have difficulty accepting criticism, we should try to prepare ourselves to view feedback from any source as precious and useful information that can add to our ability to reflect effectively on our work. This is not easy, but it is essential.
Finding an introductory paragraph that hooks the reader can be troublesome, but throughout the course, I have spent considerable time developing that technique. The body of my arguments each exhibit strong support for the thesis. In addition, my conclusions summarize the papers without restating unnecessary information. Overall, my comprehension of the basic format of an argument has proved to be a valuable asset.
Even though the authors have valid points and cite credible sources, their argument fails to be effective in several ways. For one,
The strengths of this article is that it’s very organized, each new point is bolded. When you look at each bolded section the article gives tons of reasons, examples, and theories for what they’re talking about.
Carr’s repeated references to his colleagues helps to strengthen his argument as well. These stories provide some insight into the issue. It would appear that Carr’s suspicions hold weight due to the testimonies of his peers, and this allows him to
In the current day and age, environmental issues are beginning to be considered more frequently in business decision and in governmental policy. The current threat of global warming, sea level rise, ocean acidification, and extinction of species highlight the consequences of not being environmentally aware. Even the smallest “green” decisions like choosing to car-pool or to recycle can be decisions that have a huge impact that positively effects the environment. These decisions can have far reaching implications. For instance, someone who witnesses these green decisions may be inspired to make environmentally conscious decisions as well. Much in the same way people could be inspired, businesses can be inspired as well. Creating a sustainability initiative in a business can be extremely positive and rewarding. For this reason, I think it is vital that the local beer brewing company, COOP Ale Works, adopt a sustainability program. Many breweries have adopt sustainable framework, two such examples are New Belgium Brewing and Sierra Nevada. I believe by implementing some of these ideals into their brewing process COOP can inspire other businesses to become more sustainable. In this paper I will mention the current problems with the brewing process, highlight the changes that can be made based off of current implementation at breweries, and present a four point plan to
Dr. Frost’s comments: With his clear explanation, illustrative quotes, and logical organization, the student easily proves his thesis, recapped and affirmed very well in the final paragraph.