I’m very impressed with the resources Bethel University provides to its online students.The Smarthinking program provides its students with the necessary tools to succeed in our academic journey. I am committed to use the resources that are provided to us by Bethel University, and I will strive to become a better student.
There are several ways the Smarthinking program will benefit its students. The Writing Center is one the resources that will help us succeed in Bethel’s writing based program.”When you have completed a draft of an essay or paper, submitting to the Smarthinking essay center allow you to have your work reviewed and critiqued.” (Bethel University, 2014, p.2.). This is a great resource to have and the
The Writing Center is one of the more popular services available because of how helpful it can be for a student. The sole purpose of the Writing Center is to revise and edit a student’s paper. The Writing Center is located below the Native American Center for Student Success, and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There are some guidelines for the center that have to be followed for your paper to be revised; be present during the tutoring session, schedule an appointment well in advance of the paper’s due date, bring a description of the assignment, know the name of instructor and course, and finally type the essay before the appointment. If you would like to set up an appointment you can stop by or call them at (580)-745-2990.
Smarthinking provides a variety of services for students who need help with their studies. The writing center would benefit me the most. There are times I make careless mistakes. However, the writing center is a resource that analyzes writing before submitting the final draft. It checks the spelling, grammar, sentence structure and helps corrects paper, and gave the organization in composing an essay (Bethel University, 2014).
Sure, we all have that one parent that claims they know how to edit your paper, but oops they forget to spill the beans of how they could barely get above a B on papers themselves. The truth of the matter is writing is tough, and it does not come easy for everyone. For me, I struggle with grammar and just all the logistics that go into paper writing. However, there is a very big and bright light at the end of the tunnel for me. Yes, I will have to take more writing classes at Liberty University, but this time I will actually be able to get legitimate help. Thanks to Liberty University’s Undergraduate Writing Center, I will finally be able to get that writing help that I will need on my papers I will have to write. The writing center offers students the ability to sit down with a coach that will help them through what they are trying to accomplish on paper. Some of these coaching sessions can be in larger groups or can be requested to be one on one. Lessons on how to properly format MLA or APA will also be available at the writing center. For a student like me that does not exactly like writing, these resources will come in very handy. I truly believe that if I need help on a certain paper, then I will go there to make sure I get it. It is something that will give many students an edge over the tough papers that they will have to write as they make their way through
The process to submit my final research paper using smarthinking was uncomplicated. For instance, all that you need to do first is to create an account and once you have one, you will be ready to submit your essay. The steps to get a review on your essay paper are simple. It will request a course title, the name of your professor, the due date, the writing title, and a description of the assignment. In addition, you will be able to describe what kind of help you want from the e-instructors and you are going to be able to select up to two areas where the e-instructors can focus when he is evaluating your essay. Finally, when you are about to upload your essay, smarthinking will aim you to be sure that you are attaching the file
A freshman college level English Composition course aims to improve students' abilities with writing, critical thinking, mechanics and usage, punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary. By studying English 101 at Luzerne County Community College, I will work diligently to improve in all of these aspects. My main focus is to develop skills specifically to create clear and concise thesis statements, strong and persuasive essays with cajolement, and to develop different perspectives on narratives and other essays. These writing skills may also improve my critical thinking and reading skills.
Drop-In tutoring has different subjects to get help with and they done with actual live tutors. The live drop in tutoring subjects are mainly math related. I think that is really neat to be offered this resource. Scheduled tutoring offers help with more subjects. These sessions are scheduled with a certain time frame and also done with a live tutor. Offline questions can be left for a tutor to respond to within 24 hours. Writing practice is a less formal way to submit a writing and get it reviewed very quickly. There is even an iOS and Android app to access the Smarthinking website. This is a very helpful website that we have access to. I am very excited to be able to use it for our essays. It seems that we will have a teacher right in front of us that we can turn in for it to be graded but it does not actually get graded until we turn our work into the Bethel Online website. I love that we can use this to improve our writing and clearly get to see what we have done wrong. This will help us to learn. I am definitely going to be using the Grammar and Documentation Review in the Essay Center. It is a relief to know I will have help with writing essays and it will make me become a better writer and
BMO offers expertise in all areas of banking including financial planning, credit, and everyday banking, providing both tangible and intangible value to Canadian Defense Communities. The aim is to improve the financial well-being of Canadian Military by offering products and services, specific to their needs, which are not matched by any other financial institution. The bigger picture means providing peace of mind, encouraging the use of financial resources in the most productive way possible, and maximizing utility for DND employees. BMO acts in an advisory role, offering tailored products and services that strive to make complex banking understandable, influencing and optimizing personal wealth for every Canadian Defence Community Member.
University Writing Center (UWC) and Academic Success Center (ASC) are two of the university facilities that help students enrich their academic experience. While UWC assists students in improving their written and oral communication skills through one to one consulting sessions, online resources, and workshops, ASC works to enhance students’ intellectual performance through academic coaching, supplemental instruction, drop-in tutoring sessions, and peer mentoring. Both of the organizations take a collaborative learning approach to encourage students to develop necessary study skills for academic success and increase student retention. ASC offers various student development programs; however, our focus for this proposal will be on drop-in tutoring services offered by ASC.
One of these programs is the AIM Program. Within this program, the students selected receive academic, financial, and emotional support. First generation students can take advantage of this resource by talking to Peer Advising Coaches to relieve the stress that comes with a heavy academic workload. Alongside the Office of Academic Support, students have access to the Writing Studio formally known as the Writing Center. The Writing Studio is conveniently located on the main campus in Tigret Hall room 302. The services provide by the Writing studio include tutoring on Mondays-Thursdays from 10 o’clock in the morning to 4 o’clock in the afternoon and Fridays from 10 o’clock to 3 o’clock. For students who cannot make those times, the Writing Studio also has night hours offered inside of Library West on Mondays-Thursdays from approximately 5 to 8 o’clock in the evening. Tutors will work alongside students to help them expand their proofreading, editing, and overall writing skills so they can become competent writers. It is
Moreover, in Gilead women were restricted and banned from reading, writing, and communicating with others to limit the knowledge of the handmaids and prevent them from having a voice, so they can’t rebel against the republic. Throughout the novel, Offred’s commander Waterford called her to his office and played scrabble with her, which was a big privilege because it was forbidden. As Offred explained, “Now of course it’s something different. Now it’s forbidden, for us. Now it’s dangerous.
I agree, Smartthinking is a remarkable online resource and learning tool. Like you, I struggle with writing, specifically with grammar and, subsequently, I would make numerous trips to the campus writing center or ask a friend to critique my paper. This became difficult, as the hours never fit my work schedule, or I received mediocre feedback. Therefore, I relied on Paperrater.com, which is another useful tool. Having 24-hour access to a skilled tutor is a worthwhile service that I know will improve my writing
Smart thinking is an untraditional web-based tool that offers a number of features to assist students with tutoring needs. This type of tutoring can be perfect for one that works 40 hours per week and taking care of the house full time. One of the features includes drop-in and scheduled tutoring sessions. This particular type of tutoring is effective for non-traditional students. Drop-in tutoring allows students to communicate with facilitators in an active session. You are also permitted to create a scheduled tutoring session that fits your needs at a time that works best for you. The writing practice feature is another innovative feature that provides instant feedback. I can imagine myself utilizing this feature frequently. Students may also
Technology is a helpful tool for teaching the writing process, and Marchisan and Alber (2001) concluded that writers can be taught to write using the writing process approach paired with tools of technology, direct instruction, and committed well-trained teachers. Graham, (2008), Graham & and Perin (2007a), and Rogers & and Graham, (2008), agreed that technology makes the process of writing easier and often provides very specific types of support. Word processing provides at least four advantages: (a) revisions are easily made, (b) publishing is professional-looking, (c) typing provides an easier means for children with fine motor skill challenges to produce text, and (d) word-processing programs have software programs, such as spell and stylistic checkers designed to reduce specific types of miscues. Other tools are speech synthesis (i.e., the writer’s spoken words are transcribed to electronic text) and word-prediction programs (i.e., the computer program reduces the key strokes by predicting the writer’s next word). This is helpful for students with difficulties with spelling and the mechanics of writing. In addition, outlining and semantic mapping software can aide with the planning process, and the use of computer networks and the Internet can help to promote communication and collaboration among writers.
The way of the beginning of the Hebrews is that there was rarely anything about Israelites. They were only mentioned really rare by their neighbors so many went by their bible which is the Hebrew bible. It goes by a person named Abraham came from the Ur and went west to tend to his flocks in Canaanites. Some of the people he knew had already settled there and many of the others wandered into Egypt. When the thirteenth century B.C.E came around it was led by Moses that had left Egypt. They went and wondered in the desert for a while before reaching Canaan, which they later conquered.
One example of how the writing center has been useful to me is when I took my textual analysis paper to the writing center we used the lens more about and say back. The way that I get helped with the lenses is that when we used say back we summarize each paragraph. The other students in the writing center wrote about how they felt I was coming off and I wrote about how I felt I was coming off, and what my audience may notice in my writing. Sayback is helpful because if the people in the group feel that something does not make sense then they would let me know so I can fix it. The other lens we used was more about. More about is what I want to write more about so if I wanted to add more things to certain paragraphs I would let the group know. What the group would be writing is what they want to hear more of. Personally, I like to use say back and more about because when we're discussing it during the writing group it gives me more ideas to write about.