
Smoke On The Mountain Analysis

Decent Essays

The University Playhouse’s recent production of Smoke on the Mountain incorporated conventions of Restoration and Modern theatre through a combination of representational and presentational elements. Conventions within the productions included the use of character types, a localized setting, and time appropriate costumes. These conventions reflect the influence of many movements from Restoration and Modern theatre including Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, and Expressionism. The musical nature of the production reflected elements of the American Modernist Musical also.
The influence of Realism and Naturalism was best seen through the representational aspects of the production. The performance was localized to represent the sanctuary of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in North Carolina and never varied from this setting to create any kind of non-localized space. The influence of Realism and Naturalism was further demonstrated through the props within the room which were fitting. All of the instruments were functional with no recordings being used, only live music. The door that lead off stage and out into what the dialogue and sound effects deem to be the church parking lot were fully …show more content…

The presentational style of the acting that communicated directly with the audience reflected Restoration and Epic Theatre influences as both relied heavily upon a presentational experience. Restoration influences within this production also included the use of character types. While Restoration comedy embraced character types such as rakes and lackwits, this production embraced church character types such as the silently judgmental old maids sitting on the pew off to the side with price tags hanging off their hats, the overly zealous young preacher Oglethorpe, and the more openly judgmental mother-in-law of

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