Smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, and roughly 1,300 deaths are reported every day from tobacco use. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, smoking cigarettes increases the chance of a stroke by four times. Since there are so many chemicals rolled up into one cigarette, there’s a greater chance of getting cancer essentially anywhere. Smoking is the leading cause of cancer and cancer related deaths. From smoking cigarettes, you can get cancer anywhere that a cigarette could affect you, not just the major ones like cancer of the mouth, lungs, and throat that are said to be most common in smokers. Cancer is more common in people who tend to smoke on a regular basis because of what cigarettes are made of and how they affect the body (Astor). …show more content…
Things like nicotine are what make them hard to quit, because it produces the effect people are looking for. There are radioactive materials in tobacco leaves that are used to make the cigarette. When it is lit, it is what burns and what smokers inhale into their lungs. This could be another leading factor in causing cancers in both men and women (Harmful). For women, smoking cigarettes causes infertility, but smoking while pregnant causes the fetus to develop deformities while it is developing in the womb. When born, there's a higher risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and cleft palate according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. For men, it causes them to produce less testosterone than normal. Aside from reproduction, smoking can cause life long heart problems by damaging the vessels and hardening the plaque liquids in the arteries, making them more narrow, making it more likely to get a heart
The more health risks you take the greater you reduce your health. Cigarette smoking is bad for your health as the smoker. It is also bad for the people who breathe the second handed smoke. Smoking can destroy your organs. Cigarette smoking can cause lung cancer, emphysema and/or heart failure, which can lead to death.
Many people start this habit because of peer pressure, family issues, anxiety and depression. Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and it can shorten your life by 15 years or more. Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine which is a highly addictive stimulant. Teenagers smoke because they want to be cool. Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes. Smoking leads to lung cancer, heart disease, strokes and wide variety of other diseases. Smokers experience more coughs and colds compared to non- smokers. Besides affecting oneself, it also has a negative impact on others around smokers which is known as second hand smoking. Also pregnant women who are exposed to cigarette smoke will have an increased risk of having a miscarriage or stillborn baby. There are over 4000 toxic substances in a cigarette. There are over 4000 toxic substances in a cigarette. They are arsenic, acetic acid, ammonia, butane, carbon monoxide and tar.
Once people start smoking they can become addicted because of the nicotine in the cigarettes causing you to smoke more, than in the long term it causing cancer. Nicotine has a big effect in the brain and body causing disliked changes in behaviour making you depressed or drowsy. It will also create a physical dependency that will cause unpleasant symptoms.
To start off with the first negative effect of smoking is that it is extremely bad for your health. In 2004, a Study by the CDC 's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion found that cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Such as Acetaldehyde, Beryllium (a toxic metal), Butadiene (a hazardous gas), Cadmium (a toxic metal) these are just a few of
Cigarette smoke has extreme health consequences. It has been found that for both sexes, smoking increases the risk of dying from heart disease and from all causes; and for women, it increases the likelihood of dying from lung cancer (Bjartveit and Tverdal 2005). Cigarette smoking habits also
Every time you smoke it is awful for your health and causes cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases. Cigarettes have at least 28 chemicals in these products that have been found to also cause cancer such as esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Smoking also harms your appearance; it yellows your teeth and damages your skin. It makes people short of breath,
Tobacco causes heart diseases. A lot of people like to smoke tobacco and it is not good for you. When you smoke tobacco you can get yellow teeth and you will notice you’ll have bad breath which now one wants that. Tobacco can also cause cancer and lung disease. There are 200 known chemicals that are in a cigarette that is a lot of chemicals that you are putting into your body. When you smoke it reduces the amount of blood that goes to your brain.
Smoking is a leading cause of cancer throughout the body including: the lungs, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. Smoking causes a number of diseases within your body including heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysm, COPD, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and also worsens asthma symptoms in adults. Smoking not only
Smoking can cause a significantly amount of damage to the lungs, such as pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), upper respiratory infection, emphysema, asthma, bronchitis, wheezing, colds and smoker's cough. This chronic cough is the attempting to get rid of the poisonous fumes you're inhaling on a daily basis. Smoking can lead to an average of 84% of deaths from lung cancer and approximately 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease, including bronchitis. Skin
Smoking can lead to health problems that can destroy the consumers future. Smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. each year. For example, "Smoking has killed more people in the U.S. alone than the number of Americans killed in battle or who died of war related diseases in all wars ever fought by this nation. The total number of U.S. deaths in the Vietnam War was 58,151,¨(¨Other Health Dangers¨). Smoking has many different chemicals that are harmful to the body. Some of the problems that are caused by smoking are lung cancer, cancers of the mouth, larynx (throat), esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, and blood (leukemia). These can all be caused by smoking and then there will be a greater risk of getting these
Smoking can get you broke because of the hole in your neck that you got from smoking people will not wanna work with you so you will get fired and if you try to get a job they will not hire people that smoke it will also unattract people which will also get you fired
To begin let’s talk about the many, many health risks that are caused from smoking. I’ll start off with the biggest consequence smoking causes. Cancer. According to the website, nine out of ten lung cancers are caused from smoking cigarettes. And although lung cancer is the most common cancer associated with smoking, it is definitely not the only one. Smoking can cause cancer anywhere in the body. From the mouth to the colon, nothing is safe from cancer when you smoke. According to, the chemicals in cigarettes harm your blood cells and damage your heart, increasing your likelihood of developing aneurysms, cardiovascular disease, Coronary heart disease, and strokes. Smokers also develop mouth sores and ulcers and as stated on, smokers are about 4 times more likely than non-smokers to develop gum disease. Smokers experience muscle deterioration because blood and oxygen are restricted and can’t reach the muscles.
The effects of smoking cigarettes will cause serious health risks, possibly leading to death. The use of cigarettes harms just about every organ in the body such as: the bladder, pancreas, lungs, stomach and esophagus. Smokers are more vulnerable to suffer from diseases and have health-related issues due to the substances present in cigarettes which causes the cells to deteriorate in the body. Smoking comes with a liability of having strokes and coronary heart disease by 2-4 times which are both leading causes of deaths in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Because of this, 10 times of U.S. citizens have died prematurely at an early age than all of those that have fought and died in war. Additionally, smoking will cause fertility issues in both the male and female. Fertility issues in the male will “...affect men’s sperm, which can reduce fertility and also increase risks for birth defects and miscarriage” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). As for women, it will affect the baby before and after birth with the possibility
causes of cancer, and many are poisonous. Many of these chemical are use in another products than affect our body even if you are not a consumer of tobacco, some of those are; Acetone – found in nail polish remover, Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye, Ammonia – a common household cleaner, Arsenic – used in rat poison, Benzene – found in rubber cement, Butane – used in lighter fluid, Cadmium – active component in battery acid, Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes, Formaldehyde – embalming fluid, Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid, Lead – used in batteries, Naphthalene – an ingredient in mothballs, Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel, Nicotine – used as
The first negative effect is health effect. Cigarette smoke contains around 4,800 chemicals, 69 of those can cause cancer. The effects of using tobacco are wide and varied but all of them are dangerous to every user's health. A study done by the American Lung Association states that smokers die significantly earlier than non-smokers. Smoking leads to lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, asthma and wide variety of other diseases. Smokers experience more coughs and colds as compared to non- smokers. Besides affecting oneself, it also has a negative impact on others around smokers which is also known as second hand smoking. Also, any pregnant women who are exposed to cigarettes smoke will have an increased risk of having abnormal baby. Smoking men and women have an average of 14 years of less life than a person who doesn't use tobacco. Smoking is obviously terrible. These facts plainly support that simple statement.