Although there are a few negative effects, I believe there should be a smoking area on school because nicotine helps reduce stress, students who smoke won't have to sneak around and smoke in the bathroom, and teachers who smoke won't have to struggle through the day won't have to wait for a smoke.
To the people that do not smoke, it may seem like a foolish idea to incorporate a smoking area on school grounds, but studies have shown that about 60% of smokers started during their high school years. If the problem is addressed, people tend to say “stop smoking” well as a high schooler, I have witnessed it over and over again, people are going to resist and rebel. If students are going to be told not to smoke, then they are more than likely
Smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco. Historically, it was thought that smoking was harmless, but more modern, clinical and laboratory research proves that it is, in fact, extremely dangerous. Tobacco cigarettes should be illegal in the United States due to their plethora of negative effects on the population and the environment. If cigarettes were banned, the country would be a much better place. Pollution, diseases and fatalities would dramatically decrease, while productivity, financial stability and overall health would increase.
A new government study indicates a sharp rise in the use of electronic cigarettes by adolescents, a trend official at the Centers for Disease Control said they found alarming due to the possible adverse effects of nicotine on the developing brain.
Smoking is an activity that has been around for many years for people to use and adapt into their lifestyle. It is a tool that many people use to help reduce the stresses of life and put them in a comfortable position that enables them to cope with the hectic lifestyle they are living. However, smoking has been scientifically proven to cause many types of cancer, the most common being lung cancer resulting in numerous deaths across the United States. According to BBC, "Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease" (BBC, 2). Evidently, the benefits and drawbacks of smoking have been debated for many years, and only recently have some countries have placed a ban in public places such as Britain and the United
Did you know, smoking causes more than” 440,000 deaths” per year? (“Effects of Tobacco” 1). That is an overwhelming number of deaths that could be prevented if only the individuals did not use tobacco. As of 2008, East Tennessee State University has adopted a tobacco-free policy for not only the safety of students, but their overall mental and physical health as well. That policy has been increasing on college campuses at a nationwide level. As of 2009, the American College Health Association adopted a position statement on a no tobacco use policy that encourages colleges and universities to become 100% tobacco free. As you can assume this has caused major debates on whether these policies should be established or not. In our current society, because of the policy many schools have chosen to be a part of that movement. There are 1,713 smoke free campuses and 1,427 100% tobacco free campuses in the United States. These numbers are substantial. There are many reasons that campuses should adapt tobacco-free policies on their university school grounds. Tobacco should be banned from ETSU, and other college campuses because it is a health hazard to the smokers and bystanders, it encourages individuals to stop smoking or never to start, and it makes the transition from school to the career field much easier.
I also disagree because the sign should be enforced if it doesn't get taken down. Tobacco can be very unhealthy for you,for example dip can give you gum cancer or smoking can give you lung cancer. Tobacco can kill you if you are heavily influenced by it. If the school wanted
This source is published by the University of Illinois; it is the frequently asked question page. It was published this summer, therefore, I have recent information to back up my points. This source will be useful for my research question because it addresses topics about how campuses are continuing to eliminate smokers on campus, one way they eliminate it is by enforcing policies, however, if the polies are not followed there is a fined. In addition, it talks about why campuses are going smoke free, so this will be a great source to refer to when I address why I believe George Mason University should be a smoke free campus. Mostly importantly, the question if secondhand smoking is much of a problem is addressed. Many believe it is not a problem, therefore, when I talk about how it is a major problem I will refer to this site to get information to prove my point.
Smoking a cigarette in the park or in a party would be so much fun for so many teenagers. Also, sitting with friends or a group of people and smoking, many teens believe that this makes them look cool. Many people have many teens under the age of eighteen smoking in street with their friends, they were passing the same cigarette to each other, and this would be a serious problem by passing a disease to each other and they have no idea that would happen. Mayo Clinic Staff, teen smoking might be innocently, but it can become a long-term problem. In fact, most adult smokers begin smoking as teenagers, so most need to stop smoking to be a good example for teens. Number of teens smoker have been raised incredibly. More than 450,000 12-to-13 year
Students shouldn't have to learn topics that they pick not too. Could you image building and working hard on a sand castle for three hours only for it to fall down with only part of it left? Make that three hours fifteen years, that's out current education system in a nutshell.
Tobacco takes over 450,000 lives each year. Smoking tobacco can cause more death than alcohol and drug use combined and multiplied by two and it is still less than smoking. Smoking can harm you by taking your life. Smoking can harm others by second hand smoking and smoking takes so much money out of your pocket! Smoking should be stopped before it takes more lives and possibly your own!
One of the largest and most problematic health issues in our society is smoking. Smoking is currently the leading cause of death in our country, due to its harmful and addicting contents, such as nicotine and tobacco. Although millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most preventable cause of death as well. Without smoking, a tremendous amount of money and lives will be saved. I think that our country should ban smoking and the production of cigarettes in order to maintain a healthier nation, help save the environment, and prevent the almost 1000 deaths that they cause in fires each year.
Should cigarette smoking be banned for everyone in the United States? Why? Why not? Should those who chose their time smoking to relieve stress, personal enjoyment, or simply just because, have to lose their right to what makes them happy? Smoking tobacco products has been around for decades and in many different forms. Should personal rights be pushed aside to please those around us that disagree with the so called “disgusting habit”? In the paper The Washington Times an article caught my interest called”D.C. seeks bans on smoking in national parks” written by Steven Dinan. In this article he stated that “Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote Park Service Regional Director Steve Whitesell saying she’s heard from constituents who fear
In the past 4 months, I have been walking through the Georgia State University courtyard to get to all my classes. Not once have I seen the courtyard not filled with students smoking tobacco. If the courtyard were to be described, it would be described as a cloud of smoke. Although, Calvin Warner states that the university code of conduct does set a rule stating that students are prohibited to smoke within 25 feet of all GSU buildings, and there are signs all over campus saying “Tobacco Free”, students are smoking right in front of the signs. Why are there tobacco free signs around campus, if the university itself is not? If we are a tobacco free campus, then why is the university not implementing it? Smokers on campus are leading nonsmokers into becoming secondhand smokers, which is as harmful as being the original smoker. Smoker or secondhand smoker, what is being harmed is the person’s health, which is affecting an individual’s ability to live a longer and healthier life. It is absolutely great that the school is referring to itself as a tobacco free campus, but they do not seem to quite understand the meaning of it. It is understandable that there are many barriers to really implement this policy but it is not impossible. As many barriers there maybe, there are twice as many benefits. Georgia State University is claiming to be a tobacco free campus. However, they are not implementing to be tobacco free, which is affecting many people’s health indirectly.
Smoking, as one knows it, has become a stress-reliever worldwide. One will find a smoker pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up around every corner. Smoking has especially become a growing problem in college campuses. When a college student enters the college campus, they do not only enter a new campus, a new life is also entered. In this new experience, one will find themselves exploring new things. The power of the eye is remarkable in today’s society. When someone has a friend that is doing something, the one looking will eventually want to try as well. This can raise many red flags that can be avoided, simply by banning smoking on all college campuses. Smoking on college campuses should be banned because of nicotine’s negative effect on student’s personalities, academics, and overall health.
One day I walk into public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health problem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topic majority of customers stood with their physical powerful opening on top of should they smoke cigarette be supposed to be permitted inside a public place.
Should your school or any other public establishment be allowed to ban something that is not unlawful? This is the first question we must ask ourselves when pondering the question should nicotine be banned on a college campus? Every school has aspects that they have to take into consideration when restricting adults to certain activities on campus. Such as, how do we ban something that is not illegal. Why not put resources to better use and try to help people addicted to nicotine? Furthermore, we must consider how the school will enforce this ban.