Snapshot Essay
A single photograph can tell story. One photograph can identify who a person spends their time with, where they are, and even what they enjoy doing; this is what my word snapshot does. Instead of a picture, it explains who I am using the english language at the beginning of my junior year of high school. With college closely approaching and I knowing what I want to do with my life, Industrial Design, it is always on my mind; this is how “Create” comes in. Create embodies my major, hobbies, my classes and my future. The gray words on my word snapshot represent my hobbies. My hobbies let me take a break from everything for awhile and sometimes everyone. It’s my outlet. I make jewelry, draw, bake, and occasionally do some painting. Since I enjoy art as much as I do I made the executive decision to shave off 3 class periods from my typical high school schedule to make room for a graphic design class at DMACC. Every day I leave spanish class 2 minutes early, exactly at 12:20, rush through the hallways so I don’t end up like a trout swimming upstream when lunch is released, sign out and finally do that weird speed walk you do when you don’t want to run but you're still rushed. I do all of this just to barely walk into the classroom on time, yet I love it. Everything is worth it when I’m in that classroom. It is like getting
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Goals are what make you strive to be better and improve your life. One of my goals is to figure out where I’m going to college. I currently have a spreadsheet of all my possible options. From cost to the safety of the area everything is one that chart. It has been difficult finding a school that has my major and I can afford. Scholarships and studying for the ACT have been slowly consuming all my free time, but I know in the long run it will be worth it. Knowing my future and figuring out where I’m going to be in a couple of years is very important to me right now in my
I have goals in my life, just as the great Odysseus had his own goals; Odysseus wanted to return home and slay all of the parasitic suitors, living off his fortune. My goals, on the other hand, are not so gory or dangerous, but it is also tiresome to achieve my altitudinous goals. I want to go to a nationally ranked college in business after I graduate, that is why I am
Whether we like to believe it goals play an important part in our lives. They keep us on track with what we want to accomplish in life. Some of my biggest goals were made as a child and others where just by surprise. However now I have much different goals set for myself. I have three main goals that can be separated into a personal, professional, and academic area. A personal goal is to become a great runner and roll model. A professional goal of mine is to become a nurse to help others in need and finally, my academic goal is to get a 3.5 GPA and graduate college. All these goals can be accomplished with hard work and dedication just like any other goal in life. We all want to strive for the best and sometimes we need smaller goals to help
In 2008 when I decided to start going to college I had no idea what I wanted to do; besides eventually be a Game Warden. Goals that I laid out for myself were simple at the time. I foresaw nothing that was going to get in my way. I was prepared to breeze right through everything. Personal goals that I had set for myself were to continue on with a happy marriage and lose weight. My academic goals consisted of graduating by 2012 and starting a master’s program right after graduating with my bachelor’s degree. Professional goals were to get my dream career of Game Warden and I wanted to teach EMS students. As life went on things changed drastically and while some of these goals are achieved others have been long gone and some have been pushed to achieve later in
At the end of my senior year of high school, I had to make a senior portfolio; part of the project was to write down your goals and make a timetable for where you see yourself in five or ten years. I wrote that my goal in life is to be happy and I skipped the timetable because if my goal is to be happy then I can’t plan out how to obtain that goal. Who knows what will make me happy in five years? Life is constantly changing; nothing actually stays the same. It is important to set goals for yourself, but my idea of goals is different. I want to be happy and my goal is to take whatever smaller steps are necessary to get there.
A one goal that I have set for myself is to keep moving forward into my careers. By moving more into a career will help me achieve better financial issues, less depression, better opportunities, better choices, and a better attitude toward life. Another goal
Les Brown said, “Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.” Every goal in life is determined by the actions we do now. Experiences and feeling have a lesson to teach us something new that could, later on, be applied in the future for our own good. Since I started living with my grandma when I was six years old, I had wanted to be a doctor because I wanted to help people. Activities in school are contributing their bit on the person I want to be, similarly to those special ones that will help me a lot through college too.
Reasons, why I have chosen this snapshot, is because I think this image contains something that makes a lasting impression on me. It has a lot of good things I can talk about this snapshot memory. Not just good memories but an image that will not be able to get deleted from my mind. People who are in this image are my family members. I say that out of all the other images I have this is one of the favorite ones I can actually say I have a lasting impression. This snapshot image is not really bright image picture because it was taken by the time when the sun was already going down. I have an amazing time that day we had a lot of fun with each other, family times are always great.
I always make a promise to myself if you can achieve this goal set yourself a higher, push yourself harder be smarter, don't stop here god gave you a purpose here on earth either you use it, or you lose it everyday you wake up god gave you another day of life to do things better then you did yesterday. Everyday I wake up I follow that motto god gave you another day to do better then you did yesterday. I hope to get out of attending college socially, academically, socially, creativity, and personally is I hope to become more open and outgoing learning to be more comfortable with others. I hope to get knowledge not only for my career goal but also for life it self. I want to become more creative with my ideas learn to open up and express my thoughts with others and not just keep everything to myself, I feel I be having great ideas but I chose to keep things to myself I hope to overcome that, and something personally I really don't have nothing personal to overcome. MY goals to get out of this class is to get helped more with learning teach meomething I don't know or just something I want to
I have goals as to why I want to further my education. I have been accepted to the University of Central Florida, where I plan on attending. I would like to study religion, go on to graduate school, and become a college professor. I had plenty of mountains to climb to get to where I am now. However, a plethora of opportunities helped me to climb those mountains.
What is the importance of goals? Do goals help you plan out your future? Or possibly give you something to work for? To me goals provide a map of what I want to do, how I’m going to do it, and why I want to do it. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment when you finally get to finish whatever you’ve been working towards. The need for goals in life is clear, because without goals, we wouldn’t get much done. Simply because of the fact that there wouldn’t be anything to work towards, and no structure to our future. One of my most important goals is to graduate college, to get a career in psychology. This goal is extremely important to me because of the fact that not many people in my family have even finished high school.
The goals are a personal investment of my time, commitment, and effort in planning for my future. My goals represent a clear path with a timeframe to achieve my goals, such as completing my bachelor’s degree, attending workshops for advancing my technological skills, and obtaining a higher level position in my current workplace or finding new employment.
Setting goals is the most important thing you can do in your life. Without goal's you are going to have no direction, no ambition to be successful, no drive to stay in school, and trouble finding a career that will provide for you. Without these three things, achieving your goals is going to be one of the toughest tasks in the years to come.
A goal is a target you want to achieve in your life. They are important for many reasons. The purpose of a goal is to motivate yourself and it gives you directions and keeps you forward. Having goals in your life gives a clarity on your end vision, and allows you to focus . The goals help you achieve your highest potential.They make you stretch beyond your normal self and reach new heights. Also if the goal doesn’t challenge you, it won’t be able to change you.
"A picture can paint a thousand words." I found the one picture in my mind that does paint a thousand words and more. It was a couple of weeks ago when I saw this picture in the writing center; the writing center is part of State College. The beautiful colors caught my eye. I was so enchanted by the painting, I lost the group I was with. When I heard about the observation essay, where we have to write about a person or thing in the city that catches your eye. I knew right away that I wanted to write about the painting. I don’t know why, but I felt that the painting was describing the way I felt at that moment.
Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in business