Candidate Zdeb barely met the minimum requirements of a five paragraph order by stating all paragraphs but breifing little to no detail within each one. SNC had no concept of tasking statements and his team had no idea what the plan to accomplish the mission was when he had completed his brief. Once his brief was complete, SNC finally looked at the obstacle for the first time and took an extended pauseevaluate it and try to develop a plan. When the equipment he was provided with became out of play twice, SNC counted down from sixty seconds himself both times, wasting two minutes of time he could have used to formulate a different plan and failing effectively utilize his team members by not delegating tasks accordingly. After his first course
Candidate Perras delivered the five paragraph order in the correct order and covered all details; however, he did tend to take long pauses that did not allow for the order to flow. During the execution phase, SNC lost sight of the tactical mindset by allowing a member to pass off his weapon. Even though the fire team remained focused on accomplishing the mission, at times they seemed lathargic. SNC maintained solid communication with the security. Upon realizing that his initial plan of attack was not going to work, he quickly devised a new plan without hesitation. He was able to use all of the fire team members effectively and they followed his lead without hesitation or conflict. SNC remained calm and confident and there was no question
Candidate Brown correctly and completely addressed his five-paragraph order brief. SNC also briefed a good plan to get a candidate through the obstacle, and this was accomplished very quickly and without error. After this, however, Candidate Brown's plan was flawed; he attempted to pass the 55-gallon drum over the log utilizing rope, which contravened instruction provided that the log could not bear the weight of the drum. This detail ended up being irrelevant, as the fire team failed in several attempts to pass the drum over the log, losing it every time. Despite failing several times, Candidate Brown didn't alter his plan or adapt to the limitations of the mission. Additionally, Candidate Brown primarily utilized only himself and one
Candidate Farmer briefed all required portions of the five paragraph order but did so in a very drawn out manner with multiple pauses throughout. His initial plan was sufficient to begin execution, but only his side began to take action immediately. He was unable to identify that the one pole was not long enough to reach the middle beam and only made adjustments after a fire team member pointed it out. At this point, SNC changed his initial plan and started giving direction, but his tasks were unclear and his fire team members struggled to accomplish them. Candidate Farmer realized his time was dwindling and motivated the fire team to move with some urgency, which they responded to. This spark was all that was necessary to complete the
Candidate Satterwhite ensured he addressed all paragraphs in the 5-paragraph order, however he took no time prior to the delivery of his brief to develop an initial plan. He was unable to provide his subordinates with an executable plan and was forced to develop a plan as he went along. This left his fire team questioning SNC and resulting in both lost time and lost momentum as he attempted to figure out how to accomplish the mission. SNC did not identify potential points of friction in which to place himself, instead sending two fire team members through the tunnel while he remained on the platform. This diminished his ability to control the fire team as he relied on the fire team members to communicate the situation to him and slowing
Candidate McKillop was able to brief a five paragraph order that included most sub-paragraphs, except for an initial scheme of maneuver. During the delivery, SNC sounded nervous and often used filler words. His inability to brief confidently and lacking a scheme of maneuver caused him to have a delayed execution since he had to brief all of the mission details again. During the execution, SNC was able to take charge and display more confidence than he had displayed in the brief. SNC employed his fire team members appropriately based on their physical capabilities to tackle specific tasks and sent the lighter ones through the planks first. Candidate McKillop struggled the most with being able to make adjustments to his initial plan. Although
Candidate Genter began his brief strong with an Orientation that included key terrain in the area. However, SNC's Execution paragraph not only lacked detail, but completely omitted Tasks and any executable plan to accomplish the mission. The extent of SNC's Scheme of Maneuver was to utilize the planks to move, causing many questions from his fire team members following his brief. SNC's lack of initial plan significantly hindered the sense of urgency with which his fire team moved, and in his absence of direction, another team member began to make decisions and direct the team leader and the rest of the fire team what to do. When SNC did communicate to his fire team, he did so in a composed and calm tone of voice. However, this did little
Candidate Dechane briefed a complete order despite being visibly nervous and shaky. His summary version of the mission statement was incorrect and he attempted to use the orientation to brief his mission. He realized that he still needed to brief the rest of his order and covered all the items, but out of order. His lack of confidence during the order was quickly shed during execution where he utilized mission type orders. His lack of an initial plan caused a delay in execution while he developed a plan. Once he finally formulated a plan, Candidate Dechane became the obvious leader of his team. He received suggestions that he would effectively vet and use as necessary to adjust his plan on the go. Candidate Dechane's confidence during the
Candidate Merritt briefed all the necessary requirements for his five paragraph order. While briefing, SNC had his entire fire team take a knee conducting security looking away from him and the obstacle while he briefed. Because of this, his fire team was not truly oriented to the problem. SNC did not conduct any type of leader's recon and came up with a plan that was severely lacking in detail and was more of a check in the box. While executing the mission, SNC got stumped and could not figure out how to adapt his plan. He paused for a minute while he tried to figure out a new plan, losing crucial time. While SNC addressed security, he did not enforce it. The candidate on security spent more time watching the problem be executed as
SNC gave a detailed brief that outlined a precise plan that was coherent and directed towards mission accomplishment. SNC contradicted a well thought out plan of action with a monotone voice and his use of filler words, such as, uh and um, coupled with a lack of passion. The lack of passion was seen in his sense of urgency as SNC spent 80% of his time briefing his 5 paragraph order that adversely affected his sense of urgency. SNC was able to secure the objective quickly, but loss situational awareness of his surroundings and enemy position that initially created confusion when engaged by the enemy. SNC was able to make clear and concise decisions in an appropriate amount of time that efficiently utilized his fellow candidates. This expedited
Alex informed the team I am going to sleep at night, but I have to wake up to early to catch the bus. Alex stated, “Mrs. Telisha has been giving me Melatonin to help with my sleep.” Alex’s foster mother shared with the team, “Alex have mood swings frequently.” “Alex commented, “I am ready to go home.” Alex’s foster mother reported, “Alex is very helpful; however, he continues to try to take care of the children.” Alex acknowledged, “I am proud of the progress I made, so I feel like services should end.” Alex’s listened as the QP shared it is important for him to have services when he return home in 3 months to address barriers and prevent a relapse. Alex has made minimal progress with stabilizing his mood, as indicated by Alex having mood swings while in his foster family’s house and getting adequate sleep and having a stable appetite.
Skill number six is where the resource family understands how to help the child develop a strength based understanding of his or her life story and to make new meaning of their trauma history and current experiences. The goal is to guide the resource family with strategies on how to talk about the child’s past, build meaning to his or her life narrative, and process new information that the child discloses. Some tasks associated with this goal include:
Christiana was in a good mood when the QP met with her for a session.
VicRoads plans and develops road network and deliver road safety to customers. VicRoads provides registration and licensing services. Purpose is to deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to communities around Victoria.
1-The negative is that the work is dangerous.The positive is that we can have fun and feel the adrenaline.
The client is a 50-year-old, Latino who identifies as a gay male. Throughout this paper, I will refer to him as Jorge. He has been HIV-positive for 15 years and reports to have experienced problems with addiction to various substances since his mid-twenties. Within the past ten years, he has experienced cumulatively harsher consequences as a result of his drinking and drug use. He has been arrested 16 times, has been involved in 3 car wrecks, has received 3 DUIs, and at one point, served 6 months in jail. He reports that last Thanksgiving weekend he overdosed on heroin while thinking he was consuming crystal meth. Having survived that overdose has prompted him to seek recovery