Sneakers, probably the most popular type of shoe of all time. In 2013, the sneaker industry brought in $22 billion! The main reasons for these shoes popularity are they,re for all kinds of things, they are collectible, and they’re largely available. Sneakers are extremely popular. First of all, sneaker are able to be used in pretty much all sports.Sneakers can be used in running, walking, biking, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, tennis, etc. The track legend Jesse Owens won four gold medals wearing sneaker in the 1936 Olympics. Chuck Taylor designed shoes for sports and they mainly consisted of basketball shoes. The article, “ The History of Sneakers” states, “There are sneakers for running, walking, bicycling, soccer, football, baseball,
More aerodynamic designs and technological advances have made sneakers an essential part of the game. Additionally, each year, hundreds of basketball players find themselves signing large endorsement contracts for various sneakers and athletic shoe brands.
The famous basketball shoe Air Jordan’s, are the number one shoe bought by consumers. The Air Jordan shoes originated from no one but the basketball star Michael Jordan. His shoes not only were a hit on the court, but also shortly became a fashion statement with years to come. Jordan took his skill on and off the court to further his business with his shoes.
When the middle class started getting more into sports, such as tennis, the material of the sneaker became more adaptable for the activity. A sole pattern under the shoe became introduced to give the sneaker
One example of hip hop being sold to the general public is Kanye West’s Yeezy sneakers, Boost 350, who is one of the world’s most popular rappers currently. These sneakers were released by Adidas, its collaborator and retailer, and “crafted with beautiful premium material” with “Kanye West’s unmistakable aesthetic” that “provide “superior traction,” according to the Adidas website. These sneakers come in a variety of colors, including black, tan, grey, and just recently, a newer designed called the Yeezy Boost 350 V2, that adds a splash of other colors, such as red, navy green, and copper orange. Although these appear as a typical pair of sneakers with a more modern design, including a prominent sole and stitched exterior, it is clear that the reason these sneakers have become so popular, leading to its immediate sell-out at every release, is because of the popularity of its designer, and his music.
Although the history of Sneakerheads is very brief ,there is much to say.Sneaker culture was introduced by hip-hop act Run-DMC and Basketball player Michael Jordan in the mid 1980’s(Gxolo).At that time Run-DMC was very popular in music and had recently signed a million dollar contract with Adidas because of how quickly the popularity in the shoes
Gear (Selke, n.d.). " Skechers is known for its brash style and unabashed flirtation with the celebrity culture that includes athletes, musicians, and reality-stars to advertise the products that Skechers has to offer. (Selke, n.d.) In the 25 years that the brand has been around it has been risen to be known as one of the top fine sports footwear brand in the world according to Forbes. (Selke, n.d.)
The target market for adidas is athletes such as football, rugby and more also it not for sport you can have normal shoes.
Sneakers aren’t very new they started back three thousand years ago when the Mayans, Olmec, and the Aztecs dipped their feet into melted rubber, and then they would peel it off and have a shoe. Shoes where made this way for a very long time until 1830 they were created in England. The brand that made the shoe was the New Liverpool Rubber Company. The sneaker was made from heavy woven cotton, with a rubber sole in the bottom. Sneakers have had many different names over the years two of them
How they get these people to keep buying these shoes is ethos and pathos. What I mean by that is the company uses superstars athletes to lures these young audiences or sneakerhead to buy these shoes or celebrities would wear certain sneakers and people would want to have or look like them.
A product that I regularly purchase nearly every quarter is a pair of Nike Shoes. I find athletic shoes to be more comfortable for use on a day to day basis. There are various types of athletic shoes such as New Balance, Reebok, Adidas, and Asics.
The lack of popular shoes leads to a lack of popularity
As stated by Somer, “Like Levi’s and Coca-Cola, Converse sneakers are global symbols of American pop culture,” which leads one to appreciate and comprehend how iconic the sneakers really are in America. The intricate geometric patterns of the shoes and styles, the durability and functionality, and sleek modern look make any pair of chucks a perfect example of art Deco that is fashionable in both America and Europe (Somer, 1).
There are several sports that have specialized footwear. Soccer players wear cleats that grip the ground. People who play golf wear similar spiked shoes so they do not lose their footing when they swing the club (“Do Golf Shoes Help You Play Better Golf?” 1). If rollerblading is more your style, then equip yourself with roller skates – you won’t be rolling anywhere if your shoes do not have wheels! Skateboarders have special shoes too, which are wide and grip the board to give the skater stability (Cave 2). Lastly, ice-skating requires skate shoes too, only ice-skating boots have a curved blade on the bottom for gracefully gliding on the surface of the ice (Erwin 1).
It all started with a Jumpman and a swoosh, it was more than just a shoe it was the start of a culture. What most people look at as just a shoe to protect their feet has a story behind it and a deeper meaning to me and many others than “just a pair of shoes”. Don’t put on a pair of shoes unless you know how to wear them right. For every pair I own I could explain the troubles I went through and the people I met to get each sneaker. The best feeling was opening that fresh shoe box and taking out that paper wrapping. Putting on each new pair of sneakers is like taking a breath of fresh air each pair crisp as bacon. I am one among many sneakerheads, people who love to buy, sell, trade, and collect rare shoes. There is a culture, lifestyle, and history behind sneaker collecting. Most people would think dropping hundreds if not thousands on a pair of shoes is crazy but I believe sneakers are essential.
The athletic footwear industry consists of shoes for a variety of uses. Running, walking, aerobic, hiking, biking, gym, and shoes for various sports are considered athletic footwear. The athletic footwear forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 2.1% between 2016 and 2022. The demand for athletic footwear will continue to increase over the next seven years. This demand is fueled by the change in populations around the world. The increase in urbanization will continue to increase the demand for athletic footwear.