
Snowball's Death: A Short Story

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“We are going to crash!” Laura screamed from the back. My mind was spinning, what was I thinking saying say to stalling the plane, now we are all going to die. We were plummeting down toward the Lake. This is it I thought, date of death September 13th 2014. Suddenly, the engine roared back to life. Relieve flooded through my veins. Strangely, I wanted nothing more then for the plane to be stalled again. “That was amazing!” I said to Mr. Stacey with a grin.
Earlier that morning at Freemen field airport, Junction City Kansas. Standing in front of a shiny red Piper Tri-Pacer aircraft I was astonished by its enthralling beauty. Another girl (Laura) and I would be flying together with the pilot Mr. Stacey (as the pilot introduced himself). I was thrilled at being offered the co-pilot seat! After getting buckled in, Mr. Stacey explained that we would need to use the provided headsets to block out some of the engine’s noise. We also used the microphones to be able to communicate with each other. Testing the equipment, it was strange to hear Laura and Mr. Stacey’s voices in my headphones. Soon everyone was ready for take off. …show more content…

The engine was so loud that it was hard to hear Mr. Stacey and Laura despite wearing the headphones. I noticed that there were two yokes, one in front of the pilot, and the other in front of me. The yokes are used to steer the plane. Watching the front propeller I was amazed at how fast it started spinning.
After reaching the required speed we flew down the runway heading toward a row of trees. I was sure that we were going to crash into the trees because of the rapid speed we were approaching them at. But before we reached the trees the plane started lifting and we were soon high above the

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