“We are going to crash!” Laura screamed from the back. My mind was spinning, what was I thinking saying say to stalling the plane, now we are all going to die. We were plummeting down toward the Lake. This is it I thought, date of death September 13th 2014. Suddenly, the engine roared back to life. Relieve flooded through my veins. Strangely, I wanted nothing more then for the plane to be stalled again. “That was amazing!” I said to Mr. Stacey with a grin.
Earlier that morning at Freemen field airport, Junction City Kansas. Standing in front of a shiny red Piper Tri-Pacer aircraft I was astonished by its enthralling beauty. Another girl (Laura) and I would be flying together with the pilot Mr. Stacey (as the pilot introduced himself). I was thrilled at being offered the co-pilot seat! After getting buckled in, Mr. Stacey explained that we would need to use the provided headsets to block out some of the engine’s noise. We also used the microphones to be able to communicate with each other. Testing the equipment, it was strange to hear Laura and Mr. Stacey’s voices in my headphones. Soon everyone was ready for take off.
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The engine was so loud that it was hard to hear Mr. Stacey and Laura despite wearing the headphones. I noticed that there were two yokes, one in front of the pilot, and the other in front of me. The yokes are used to steer the plane. Watching the front propeller I was amazed at how fast it started spinning.
After reaching the required speed we flew down the runway heading toward a row of trees. I was sure that we were going to crash into the trees because of the rapid speed we were approaching them at. But before we reached the trees the plane started lifting and we were soon high above the
We were all screaming as the plane was plunging towards the ground. I looked over at Simon and his son Timmy, we all knew what was happening. The plane hurtled to the ground, it felt like forever. Then we crashed, I couldn’t think right all the passengers that were on the plane were gone all I could see was Simon across the middle of the plane. Then this dirty disgusting looking man came and picked up Simon’s son and left with him in his arms.
POW! At what seems like 100 miles per hour it hits you! The cold snow running down your back, chills form on your arm. Then, another one! Quickly you dodge it, then grab your own and send it flying back. Wow, you think, snowball fights are extreme. This snowball fight was the best I ever had. We were throwing snowballs across the street, hitting houses and laughing as we do so.
Failure, everyone has experienced it at least once and everyone knows its not a very good feeling. Today im going to tell you a incident were I have experienced failure. It was my first season of little league coming out of tea-ball I had a lot of confidence my team had won the championship and I had played first base. coach-pitch was definitely a change for me I had to adapt which is pretty much what im going to talk to you about.
After all of that we we’re getting on the plane. We found our sets and sat in them and buckled up we were ready for our flight. Were on a plane I was really excited about the trip, when we took off it was going down the runway faster and faster then all of a the sudden the plane was going up off the ground then we were in the sky floating forward. Then the plane was going fast whenever I looked out the window everything on land and not in the air looked tiny it was an amazing site from up above. It felt like we were flying with the birds.
On a Tuesday night of my sophomore year, two weeks before the state tournament, we played Heritage Hills. On the mound, battling for every out, I attempted to keep the game tied. The count was two and one with two outs in the bottom of the fourth. I stepped up, wound up, and pitched the ball for the fiftieth time. Except this time the ball came flying right back towards me.
The smell of popcorn filled the spring air. I was running as fast as I could, there was no stopping me. The pitcher threw the baseball to second base as I started to race to home base. Voices of cheering and screaming of excitement filled my ears, motivating me to run faster. I stared at the catcher with confidence in my eyes, seeing his glove in the air, ready to catch the ball. He was too late, my foot touched the bag before it reached his glove. My best friend Olivia on the team ran over to me and gave me a hard high five. The rest of my team tackled me with joy. Olivia and I are the only girls on the team yet we are some of the best players they have. As we said good game to the other team, a feeling of being watched struck me. I turned my head to see a
In my neighborhood there is not many kids there to play with that I know and there is only five and they are Austin, Julius, Cole, Mason, and Tyler including me. it was so fun it was like i was on a cruize when i played with them like during the winter we had a violent snowball fight it was like as violent as world war 2. And we also played football and we did not want it to be violent so we just played two and tap. Kickball was fun until i kicked it into the thorn bush and it popped, and went sledding too and i crashed because when we raced i hit the metal fence and flipped off my sled like i just got in a car crash.
In the novel, Animal Farm, George Orwell portrays Snowball as a more imaginative and inventive character. Napoleon was a poor leader and he didn't treat the animals on the farm fairly. Before Napoleon chased Snowball off the farm, Snowball co-operates with Napoleon and Squealer to organize Old Majors ideas into the principles of Animalism, and to reduce these to the Seven Commandments. It is Snowball who organizes the various Animal Committees and the classes in reading and writing, therefore showing interest in the other animals. Snowball also anticipates the first attack on Animal Farm and, having studied up on strategy. Snowball would have been a better leader than Napoleon and would have improved the lives of the animals on Animal Farm.
Today was the day we were heading back from Hell. It has been an amazing five days with, Kevin, Corrie, Fi, Lee, Robyn and Homer. I was the only one who was allowed to drive the Landie. It was Dad’s orders and I followed them. It was really weird on the last night of our camp there were these low flying planes with no lights on. They were flying so low that we could see the marks on them. The marks weren’t ours. By the time I’d finished writing that down it was time to go. We’d finished packing that Landie and started to head off. I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right about those planes I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We were home before I knew it. Something was wrong the dogs weren’t barking. When we came
Sometimes you learn the wisest lessons from the least predicted people. It could be from your family, friends, enemies, or even your pet. However, it's our decision on how to act upon it. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, lessons are taught though the animals Snowball, Napoleon, and Boxer.
Social norms are powerful to the point that they influence the actions of all who are members of society. Social norms are so ingrained in most people that to not follow such untold rules of behavior, likely creates serious tension for oneself. Social norms appear to be unique to sentient life meaning something about intelligence helps in their formation and propagation. It is obvious that some level of greater intelligence is needed in the formation of social norms. There are many theories on the purpose of social norms and how they come to be. The theory that emphasizes the importance of social norms in improving interactions between people seems the most probable. This theory explains that those with diverse backgrounds must often interact and communicate with each other and to reduce the risk of misunderstanding, social norms arise as a form of mediation. Social norms can therefore come into being both formally or informally. When social norms are constructed formally, a group of individuals will specifically outline a set of behavioral expectations for that group such as in the case of clubs or work expectations. Most social norms are informally created through repeated cautionary actions used to mitigate potential conflict. When a social norm is formed, it has incredible staying power. As social norms promote some degree of social cohesion, people generally follow social norms for fear of inconveniencing someone or upsetting them. There is also a degree of
On a snowy and windy night, I was at Barnes & Noble in Green Bay with my friends, Alan and Karina. Christmas music played overhead, the smell of hot chocolate and freshly brewed coffee wafted over, the customers were kind and cheerful, and snow was beginning to blanket the parking lot outside. We were sitting near the cafe wrapping books to support their mom’s school fundraiser. I stared outside and remembered my mom’s warning of the large snowfall that was almost upon us. Around 7:15, the snowflakes were becoming larger and we could barely see outside the window.
I woke up from my nap when I felt a light tap on my shoulder by my brother, Alex. He told me that it was time for the plane to begin its descent so I gathered my belongings and adjusted my seat until it was upright. As the airplane began to descend, I was filled with excitement and enthusiasm. I could feel so much energy rush through my veins as my ears popped and I finally heard the flight attendant say, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Singapore Changi Airport!”
The story of Snowman Shaq is a good one and an inspirational one, it takes place in the small town Snowton, where it almost always snows. There was a small kid named Michael. Michael was a good boy, but the other boys in the neighborhood didn’t care. They would always pick on him and call him names. The bullies would hurt him both physically and mentally. To get away from this Michael would play in the snow and go skiing. One day the bullies put on an act to be his friend and they told him that there was a good spot to go skiing. When they got there Michael thought that something was wrong and tried to run away, but the bullies pulled him back. They put him on the edge and pushed, the path was a dangerous one because of all of the trees, this was the reason Michael tried to run. He went down and slammed into a tree. The bullies didn’t know and he walked away, leaving the passed out Michael to die. But even though he died Michael woke up at the bottom of the mountain. He wasn’t even cold, he could also control snow like he never could before. As he looked around, he saw a bunch of light and a few dark spots. He was mesmerized and he walked closer to the light ones and he saw memories of someone. He moved to the stigma and also saw memories except these depicted the person doing abhorrent things. He soon actualized that these were the souls of the expired and also that he could move them. So he practiced with them and then once he threw a soul in the sky and a single glowing
The great depression was a place where a blanket of dept washed over the country and encompassed millions of people without jobs. This led to people playing the blame game with people of other races. In Harper Lee’s Book To Kill a Mockingbird she uses real-world problems to describe her experience in a way. The Scottsboro trial Mob mentality and Jim Crow laws are all connected in one way or another. The presence of Jim Crow laws is present in Lee’s work most of the time. Jim Crow laws are a racist message that constitutes that people of color are worse and not to be trusted (McCabe). Mom mentality is present in the book as well. The Scottsboro trial is a reference to the book.