
So I Ain T No Good Girl Sharon Fllake Analysis

Decent Essays

In the story “So I Ain’t No Good Girl” by Sharon Flake, our narrator tells a story in first person about a tumultuous morning for her as she waits to board a bus for school. What started as a seemingly normal trip to school turns dramatic when the narrator’s delusions overwhelm her critical thinking, which is worsened further by her abusive and unfaithful boyfriend, Raheem. Marked by her poor decisions, abuse, and delusions, our unnamed narrator only aggravates me but still gets across an important message. Our narrator is a very one dimensional character. The reader can infer that the narrator is a female and most likely a senior in high school, since she refers to herself as a “girl” and of her boyfriend that “if he flunks, he don’t graduate …show more content…

Our narrator hopelessly hangs onto her boyfriend which abuses her, steals her money, openly cheats on her and pays no attention to her as well. We can see this is when her boyfriend, Raheem, “hooks his thumb through [her] gold hoop earrings and pulls down hard”, yet she’s the one who …show more content…

The reader is engaged by the story but very aggravated by the narrator’s lack of redeeming qualities. A normal plot has an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution into only a few paragraphs. The story had several conflicts in our narrator’s boyfriend, Raheem, assaulting her, stealing from her, and cheating on her, but these conflicts aren’t resolved. Instead, our delusional narrator simply accepts that she “can’t keep him on no short leash” and that she should “do [his] homework, wash [his] clothes, lend[him] money, anything…” just as long as “he keeps being [her] boo”. The last straw is when she sees him cheat on her with another girl and simply accepts that she’s not worthy of him, allowing him to cheat without doing anything. As a reader, you like to root for the main character, however in this story; it only engages the reader’s

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