The Story, “So I Ain’t No Good Girl”, was written by Sharon Flake, I felt that she provides a very selfish character that affects the story. The girl has the cutest boy in school. When he looks at another girl, she gets mad and starts yelling at him. Then they calm down and are now laughing and talking. After that one of the good girl, the redheaded one comes back to our side of our street; she looks his way and smiles- just a little. He stands; she bends over to pull her socks up. Finally the good girl leaves to school. The author of the story is Sharon Flake. The weakness that she has is the love for Raheem, “She won’t let anybody look at Raheem”. Her strength is that she would do anything for Raheem. She is not a character too good
Both “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolfs,” written by Karen Russell, and “ A Good Man is Hard to Find,” by Flannery O’Connor, share two dramatic characters that, even though they aren’t the main characters, play very important roles in the development of the story. In “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolfs,” we have Mirabella who, though she is not the main character, helps keep the reader in check with what the girls once were with her independent ways of going against the grain. In “A Good Man in Hard to Find” we have the Grandmother who is a selfish woman and pessimistic who has no respect from her family. Both Mirabella and the Grandmother’s erroneous and ill-mannered actions prove to separate them from their families, which
The leader of the colony was Sir Walter Raleigh.People think they traveled for over 100 miles trying to get back. The colony of Roanoke was really just 50 miles away. The first voyage, an exploration venture led by Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe, landed in 1584 on the Outer Banks of present-day North Carolina and made mostly friendly contact there with the Algonquian-speaking Indians, even returning to England with two of
Growing up in today’s society can be traumatizing for any child. When it comes to growing up as a young girl, however, it can be downright devastating, but not only for the child but the parent as well. There are so many decisions to be made when choosing how to raise your child, assuring that you have instilled proper values to develop a healthy sense of self-worth and confidence.
An interesting story is “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor which combines a sarcastic humor with a fictional event that could teach us how a little unexpected moment would destroy their precious treasure of life, the family. Through the story the author applies foreshadowing, strong characters, and particular settings to keep the attention of the reader.
In 1933, only half of German boys and 15% of girls were members of Nazi youth organizations. Some anti-Nazi movements such as the “Swing Movement” and the “Eldelweiss Pirates” resisted the Nazi control of their lives by mocking Germany through songs and accepting the Jews in their clubs. Hitler was shown as an approachable, friendly figure who took care and valued German children. This was meant to create a positive impression of Hitler and encourage more children to join Nazi Youth Organizations Unlike most other propaganda posters, this one had an element of truth to it. Hitler believed that children were the future of Germany, and he greatly valued them, as shown above.
Flannery O’Connor introduces her reader’s too unique short stories. They are “Good Country People” and “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, having too similar characters in different setting, but with the same symbolic meaning. The comparison between Hugla from “Good Country People” to the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to find” is interesting, because they both suffer the same fate. In every short story O’Connor has created a intellectual individual who comes to a realization that their beliefs in there ability to control their lives and the lives of other are false. They enviably become the vulnerable, whereas they assumed it would be different. O’Connor has placed two misguide characters, that deem themselves to be manipulative and compulsive. At the end up of each short story they become vulnerable. Hugla from “Good Country People” and the grandmother from “A Good
In the story, so I ain’t no good girl-By Sharon Flake, I felt that the author expressed a very realistic scene brought by the author. The character has problems with the other characters at her bus-stop. A girl at her bus-stop has problems with the other girls, she hates them, especially the red-haired; gray-eyed girl that’s always with them, because she always has good grades and is the teacher’s pet. A bus stop scene seemed almost too realistic to me, because lots of bad things can happen at a bus-stop: You can get bullied, or somebody might want to get in a fight with you, etc.
To begin, the protagonist of the story is Connie, is a rebellious eighteen year old blonde, who does not accept the role that her mother puts her in. The mother expects Connie to be the “nice” girl, who dresses and acts like her
Both poems, Ain’t I a Woman and at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, were written by African American women that have left a large impression on how we read and interpret African American literature today. Ain’t I a Woman was spoken by Sojourner Truth, and was advocating for women’s rights. The poem, at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, was written by Lucille Clifton, and was intended to bring honor to the dead slaves. Both pieces of work have their own unique style of writing and purpose. Both the poem, by Lucille Clifton, and oration, by Sojourner Truth, are effective as a means of exposing social injustice and as a means of diminishing social injustice. Both Ain’t I a Woman, by Lucille
In the short story “Girl”, by Jamaica Kincaid is told from the perspective of two different people. There is a bonding relationship that is happening between the two people in this short story. The mother seems to be the main character in this essay uses a very strict tone to her daughter. The daughter is being told about how to do things in her life the correct way. The daughter barely speaks during this essay, she is doing more analyzing than arguing with her mother. When the mother gives the daughter advise she was trying to give her words of wisdom. But, at the same time, some of the ideas the mother gave to her child was offensive like “slut”. The mother has different perspectives throughout this essay with a lot of different
The author of “Telling Tails” elaborates on how a good story should be by saying “…, a well-imagined story is organized around extraordinary human behavior and unexpected and startling events, which help illuminate the commonplace and the ordinary” (O’Brien). If a story does not afford the reader the luxury to imagine these extraordinary events in our lives, the reader can be easily bored and lose interest in wanting to know more. An example of a well-imagined story that captivates its reader can be deduced from “Boys and Girls.” In this story, the father introduces his female child as a hired man to a salesman who says, “Could of fooled me…I thought it was only a girl” (Kelly 305). The statement being used can tell the reader how a female was thought of as an unimportant person. The author does not mention the obvious but leaves the readers to the device of their imagination. O’Brien would deem this story as a good one as the author is successful in telling a well-imagined and organized story about extraordinary human event and the place women had in society.
In order to properly view a story from a feminist perspective, it is important that the reader fully understands what the feminist perspective entails. “There are many feminist perspectives, and each perspective uses different approaches to analyze and interpret texts. One is that gender is “socially constructed” and another is that power is distributed unequally on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, ability, sexuality, and economic class status” (South University Online, 2011, para. 1). The story “Girl” is an outline of the things young girls
The song "U.N.I.T.Y." by Queen Latifah, released in 1994, is a hip-hop song with a theme about the harassment, domestic violence and sexist slurs against women, black woman to be specific. Should “U.N.I.T.Y” be considered literature, specifically is it a poem? I think that every song, no matter what the genre is free verse poetry. However, this artist and song are important in the hip-hop as literature genre movement because of both the artist’s credibility and the message that she is delivering.
“Girl” is a short story in which the author, Jamaica Kincaid, unofficially presents the stereotypes of girls in the mid 1900s. Kincaid includes two major characters in the story “Girl”, they are the mother and the girl. Although the daughter only asks two questions in this story, she is the major character. The mother feels like her daughter is going in the wrong direction and not making the best decisions in her life. The whole story is basically the mother telling her daughter what affects her decisions will have in the future. The mother believes that because her daughter isn’t sitting, talking, cleaning, walking or singing correctly it will lead her to a path of destruction. “Girl” is a reflection of female sexuality, the power of family, and how family can help overcome future dangers.
Women are meant to behave and act proper. Though it may not be quite the same today, however, every once in awhile society still expects women to behave and act a certain way. In the past women were supposed to act like ladies and be the proper quiet housewife. Women were raised to speak, behave, and perform tasks a certain way that society deemed as right and proper. Jamaica Kincaid’s short story “Girl” shows just that. Her story is about a girl who is basically scolded by her mother on how to act and perform daily tasks. Her mother's belief is that a woman's reputation is everything and if her daughter keeps acting the way she does she will lead a promiscuous life. She does not want that for her daughter, or for her daughters reputation to come back to her if it is not a good one. Kincaid utilizes the theme of image and social acceptance are most important for woman through symbolism, repetition, and tone .