
Why Soccer is my Passion

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Many people play sports and have hobbies they are passionate about, but soccer isn't justa hobby or a sport I play for fun soccer is my life. Millions of people across the globe play thebeautiful sport of futbol (soccer), so what makes me different from the rest. I started playingsoccer when I was 3 years old and instantly fell in love with the beautiful game. I could tell rightaway that soccer was my sport and my passion and no one could take that away from me.Throughout my development of soccer my emotions for the sport remained constant but mypassion for it changed I became addicted to the sport. I could and still stay soccer is my drug andI can not live without it. Soccer is many things to me it is my friend, my comfort place, mysupporter, …show more content…

I have been playing with older kids myentire life, when I first joined I was a 6 year old playing with 9 year olds. I played for plantationfor 8 years. Plantation was my home it was everything I wanted it to be, but I knew that if Iwanted to fulfill my lifelong dream I would have to move to a more competitive team. It wastowards the end of my freshman year and I was selected to go try out for Boca USSDA whichwas a big deal. I would have to leave my comfort zone and go play somewhere completely newand different. I went to the tryouts ready for stiff competition. When I got there I was mentallyand physically ready for the opportunity in front of me, they gave all the players number to puton there legs to identify who you were. We began to warm up as a group, and then the coachescalled us over and said get ready for the game. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life waiting …show more content…

We were all set up on the field ready for the game, I remember closing my eyes forabout a minute before the game started, that minute felt like 10 years, I froze and thought aboutmyself when I was 3 years old and how I first fell in love with the game and how my ultimatedream was to become pro, I remember the hours of pain and suffering I put myself through tobecome the player I was today, I remembered waking up at 4 a.m. on school mornings to go forruns so that I could run longer in games,I remember skipping parties and hanging with friendsso that I could train, I remembered everything, but one thing truly hit me was how much soccerwas there for me growing up my parents argued a lot and when I was feeling sad and lonely Iwould go train at the fields and it would hell my sorrow. Growing up in a household when yourparents are constantly fighting is difficult, but soccer was my out lit it was my therapist. Duringthe time of their divorce I felt like I had no one but soccer so I decided I need to give back to thegame. Soccer did so much for me, so I wanted to prove to it that it wasn't a waste of time andthat I would make something out of the game. I opened my eyes and didn't feel human anymore Ididn't feel in control of my own body the sport had taken over me for the better. I remembermoments when I was running and it didn't even feel like my feet were touching the floor

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