With three minutes left in the game the score was tied. Shelley had stolen the ball and immediately began dribbling up the sideline. Breaking the defenders’ ankles by their impressive dribbling skills, they had the ball on their side with the perfect opportunity to score and grasp the win against their rivals, Sugar. Unfortunately, Shelley’s shot drew iron and they failed to score. Both teams were exhausted from a hard fought game, but Shelley knew they had to dig deep in order to finish the night with a win. This would require determination and execution. With less than a minute left in the game, the score remained tied. The ball went flying out of bounds and Shelley had yet another perfect opportunity to score. Using one of their set plays, …show more content…
One of the biggest and unique differences is in soccer, players use their feet and are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands. Whereas, in basketball, players use their hands and are not allowed to kick the ball with their feet. In soccer, one point is awarded to the team that can put the ball in the goal. In basketball, one, two, or three points are awarded to the team that can put the ball through the net. A soccer field is 360 feet long by 240 feet wide while a basketball court is only 94 feet long by 50 feet wide. Grass makes up the field for soccer while basketball has hardwood flooring. Hence, basketball is played inside while soccer is played outside. So the weather conditions are also going to be extremely different. In soccer they play through rain, snow, winds, or sun, whereas in basketball they have the perfect weather almost all of the time. In soccer, a regulation goal is eight feet high by 24 feet wide. In basketball the regulation rim is 18 inches in diameter, which is much smaller compared to the soccer goal. Soccer games involve 11 players from each team on the field at a time. While five players from each basketball team are allowed on the court at a time. The field size, weather conditions, number of players, and the number of points per shot, all contribute to the fact that more points are scored in basketball than in
Athletes who play football share the same goal as athletes who play soccer: score the most goals to win the game. In football, there are two areas on opposite sides of the field where one can score points by bringing the football over the goal line. Soccer shares this same concept by having two nets on opposite sides of the field where one can score a point by kicking the soccer ball into the net. Also, both sports share the concept of having an offense and defense, and both sports each have eleven players on a team on the field at a time. These are only few of many similarities between these two sports, but in actuality, they are significantly different. The rules, rituals, and concepts of both sports distinguish
In soccer there are many rules that have changed. Back in the 1700's the playing field was shaped like a square. There were only four major markings on the field. They were the touchlines, goal lines, halfway line, and the eighteen-yard lines. When the Football Association (FA) was created in 1863, the first uniform rules were made. FIFA now requires that soccer be played on a rectangular field between one hundred and one hundred-thirty yards long and between fifty and one hundred yards wide. For international matches the field should be between one hundred- ten and one hundred-twenty yards long and between seventy and eighty yards wide. There are two goals, one placed at each end of the field. They are eight feet tall, eight yards across, and six feet deep. The lines that mark the sides of the field are called touchlines; those that mark the two ends of the field are called goal lines. Also there are five other distinctive lines. They are the halfway lines, the goal areas, the penalty areas, the corner marks, and the center circle.
The NBA has a twenty four second shot clock with eight seconds to cross the half court line. The NCAA has a thirty five second shot clock with ten seconds to cross the half court line. This is one of several reasons for why you see such a wide variety of scoring in NCAA
"Difference Between Men's & Women's Basketball." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 02 June 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
Though some people consider football and soccer as the same sports, they are actually played quite different from each other. There are a lot of similarities and difference between them in reference of the rules, playing combination,
Softball and soccer. Are they different or are they similar in ways that no one ever really sees. Softball, a game where one throws a twelve inch neon yellow ball to a batter to hit. Each batter has three strikes to hit the ball. The batter can either get hit, walked, hit the ball, or strikeout. While the pitcher is pitching there are eight other players on the field working as one to get the batter out, whether they are cheering on the pitcher or getting the ground out to first base. Although, one may think that batting is all it takes to win a game you also must have defense. Soccer. The coin toss with the captains is how it all begins. The toss determines who gets the ball first and who will get the side of their choice. When those things
Soccer and American football are two very contrasting sports. One is played with your hands, the other with your feet. However, they also have some similarities. They both require typical sport attributes; strength and ability, and their audiences are both attracted by the billions to watch the professionals play. Although these games have plenty in common, they are very different in their own ways.
The biggest difference between the NBA and college basketball is the clock. First of all, in the NBA the teams will play four quarters of 12-minute basketball. Which differs from College basketball which is made up of two 20-minute halves. The NBA therefore gets 8 more minutes in a game than college games. Which will really stand out at the end of the game when average NBA games end at around 110 and average college basketball games end at around 70
Football and soccer are two unique sports in their own ways and are loved by many. Football is mainly played and watched in the United States. Soccer is played and viewed throughout the whole world. Both sports require great skill and knowledge to be able to play and understand the sport. Although each sport is unique* both football and soccer are similar and different in many ways.
Kenneth onyebinama Instructor norwood English 1510 4/9/2018 Why soccer is better than football Known as soccer and football, is a sport loved internationally by millions of loyal fans. The sport of soccer comes with skillful players, friendly welcoming fans and the thrill that makes it difficult not to enjoy. Watching the game of soccer at the comfort of your home or being present in the giant stadium still gives the excitement and happiness.
Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete.
The rules of play for soccer have deliberately been kept simple. The referee makes most of the decisions, and attempts to encourage fair play. The game starts off with a kick off, and the teams are allowed to pass, dribble, juggle, head, kick, and shoot the ball to place it down the field, and (hopefully, or eventually) into their opponent’s goal. If the ball is kicked off the field over the length of the field, the other team is given a throw-in, where the ball is thrown over the player’s head, and back onto the field. If the ball is kicked over the goal, or across the width of the field, either a corner kick results (by the offensive team, where the ball is placed on the corner of the field and kicked into play) or the defensive team is awarded a goal kick, where the ball is placed on the corner of the goal box, and kicked back into play. If a goal is scored, the ball is taken back to the center of
The sport of basketball started off with a peach basket and a soccer ball and since then has evolved to become one of the famous and entertaining sports in the
Basketball is a sport with tall players that are 6'8 to seven foot and fast guards that are six to six eight are explosive athletes. Soccer teams have small players less than six foot that are coordinated with their feet and have the ability to run for long periods of time. In basketball you only have five players from each team on the court at the same time where in soccer you have 11 players from each team on the field at the same time. The five positions in basketball are two guards two forwards, and one center on the other hand soccer has
Basketball, on the other hand is played inside on a court. There are only five players per team on the court at a time. Players have to play both offense and defense simultaneously. The scoring in basketball is also different; points can be scored in increments of one, two and three, these are scored by shooting the ball into a hoop. Basketball is a game that is played by skilled people who can jump high, shoot well, and have great ball handling skills. Playing basketball requires you to have to have endurance, because running from offense to defense and back to offense requires you to be in great shape. Basketball is played at a medium pace and can be very exciting and nail biting.