
Social Anomie In Canada

Good Essays

Throughout the course, we have explored the construction of the urban space. The urban space is defined by the influences around us. As well, the urban space is shaped through politics, economics, and society's norms and values. Canada is a very multicultural nation and it consists of many immigrants that come from many backgrounds. The concepts in this course will present how the urban space involves intersectionality. The attitudes towards race, class, and gender has shaped how the urban space is created. In the city of Toronto, there consists of many neighbourhoods, from Little Italy to the Distillery District, many of these communities involve different people from all races and various social classes. In this essay, I will be focusing …show more content…

With the situation of Regent Park, social housing policies created by the government has made it harder for the lower class to leave their social class. This problem explores the concept of anomie. Anomie describes the isolation of a specific social group and removing their access to social structures. This concept reflects Regent Park in many ways as it is an area isolated away from gated communities and other high-class neighbourhoods. As well, prior to the restructuring of Regent Park, many social services were unavailable for residents to access, people communicated within the community for assistance without government intervention. The lack of social services in Regent Park causes many social problems. Without the help of the government, low-income, single parent families will continue to live in poor living …show more content…

Agency reflects an individual's rights and freedoms while structure focuses on all political, social, and economic aspects of life. According to Lawrence Haworth's book, "The Good City", presents the idea that cities can only progress if individuals are provided with an opportunity. Opportunities come in the form of jobs, where the government and the private sector has played a large role in providing (Haworth, 1963). In the case of Regent Park, has shown that these opportunities are not available for lower income families. On the other hand, the jobs available in the city are only for people who are qualified, which requires higher education that most Regent Park residents do not have. As well, this education is not accessible in the area of Regent Park due to insufficient funding by the city. Without the necessary qualifications, it makes it difficult for Regent Park residents to have jobs that can support their basic needs. The result of this is the rising poverty rates in the city. Haworth also added that a city must create a sense of community. With Regent Park, the community exists, but there is nothing to build from due to the lack of economic activity, political intervention, and social services. The Regent Park community is heavily divided from the rest of the city, as a result, it comes with many negative opinions from

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