
Social Class And The Hidden Curriculum Of Work By Jean Anyon

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In the article “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” by Jean Anyon. She argues that there is a serious gap in quality and level of education in the public school system. The gap widens as you progress up from working class to middle class and on through affluent professional to executive elite. Based on her research I would have to agree with her. Anyons research revealed that the working class students are not given the same opportunities to learn as students in the other classes. Whether it be by the teacher editing the curriculum because as one teacher in Anyons article said “Simple punctuation is all they’ll ever use”. This points to a problem with quality of teachers and their attitude more than a problem with curriculum. …show more content…

All this information goes more to proving that the real problem is that the lower classes are more often stuck with teachers that are not motivated enough to teach students the complete curriculum because they don’t believe the children will amount to anything more than their parents.The lack of motivation could be caused by their low pay, crowded schools or maybe the location affects the students and teachers to a point that eventually no one cares and this compounds over the years. Creativity or the lack of encouraging creativity can be seen declining as you get lower in the class level in Anyons research. She states “Work tasks do not usually request creativity” and “Creativity is not often requested in social studies and Science projects”. In an article entitled “The Impact of Creativity on the Brain” by Judy Willis M.D; M.E.D posted on the website “Neuroscience and cognitive science research are increasingly providing information that correlates creativity with intelligence; academic, social, and emotional success; and the development of skill sets and the highest information processing (Executive functions)”. This basically states that if creativity is encouraged then the upper intelligence functions of students are developed which includes social and emotional success. Which shows that if you stifle creativity you basically limit the

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