
Social Class In Great Expectations By Charles Dickens

Decent Essays

Through the Social Class
Society has developed the concept of social class, to categorized people into different groups based on economic, political, and socio-economic status. This concept has made it difficult for the middle and lower class to succeed. Charles Dickens had a sense of writing during the Victorian Era as it sought to represent a large and comprehensive social world, with a variety of classes. Novels during this time were made to be realistic and Charles Dickens excelled at doing that and exceeded expectations. One of his most famous novels, Great Expectations was set in early Victorian Era when great social changes were sweeping the nation. Charles Dickens's Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an English orphan who rises to wealth, deserts his true friends, and becomes humbled by his own arrogance. This piece, and a couple other of his pieces including one of his short novels, “George Silverman’s Explanation” and a poem classifying the rich, “The Fine Old English Gentleman” developed a concept of social class. Throughout each of the three pieces, the social class is somehow brought up, whether that being a short snippet, or the way it can change someone throughout the classifications of the social class.
Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations was during a time where great social changes were sweeping the nation. Although social class was no longer entirely dependent on the circumstances of one’s birth, the divisions between rich and poor remained nearly

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