
Social-Cognitive Learning Theory

Decent Essays

Nursing theory plays an instrumental role in conducting nursing research. It aids in conducting and reaching the goals of a study in addition to providing guidance and direction (Bredow, 2009). To determine which theory to use for a defined project the researcher should evaluate the theory for appropriateness by conducting a systematic assessment. There is not an established standard use to appraise a theory, but it should describe, explain, predict, or prescribe. Some question to consider are, is the theory operational, how has the theory been applied in the past, has the theory described, predicted or explained phenomena when previously used, and does it speak to the studies question; these are just a few questions to think about (Bredow, …show more content…

Although Bandura’s theory is a non-nursing theory, it is frequently used by nurses in their research. The purpose of Bandura’s theory, according to White (2012) “is to understand and predict individual and group behavior, identify methods in which behavior can be modified or changed and to test intervention” (p.54). The theory also suggest that personal attitudes has an effect on the behavior change, and that there must be a perceived incentive to change a particular behavior (White, 2012). Additionally, Bandura’s model recognizes four progressions in the observational learning process, attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation (Armstrong, 2008). While Bandura’s theory seemed perfect for this author’s study, reservations were had on using a non-nursing theory. The hesitation to use Bandura’s theory led me back to Benner’s theory of novice to expert as a model. Benner’s theory is actually an adaptation of the Dreyfus model to describe how nurses gain nursing skills. The model uses a sequence of five stages, novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert to explain how one reaches professional expertise (Peña, 2010). According to Masters (2009) “Benner’s work focused on the understanding of perceptual acuity, clinical judgment, skilled know-how, ethical comportment, and ongoing experiential learning” (p.

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