
Social Conflict Theory And Delinquency

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Compare the theories of delinquency that regard youthful misbehavior as a function of stigma and labeling with those that link stigma and delinquency to the effects of social conflict Theories of delinquency that link stigma and delinquency to the effects of social conflict Aaccording to this theory of labeling, also called Social reaction theory, holds that the decision to label behavior as deviant or delinquent is subjective, based on the attitudes, values, and morals of the decision maker. People are bad, evil, or delinquent only when people label them as such. This depends on your viewpoint and the view of those who are in position to judge their actions. Social conflict theory, also called conflict theory, assert that society is in a state of constant internal conflict, this theory focuses on the role of social and governmental institutions as mechanisms of social control. This theory say those who hold the power in contemporary society get to set the rules, controls the law, and decide who is deviant, delinquent, and/or criminal. Their care little of about the moral content of the law as long as it protects the interests of those who hold social and economic power. Social reaction theory and social conflict theory differ on the …show more content…

This act is typically over looked and many times may be the norm within one’s own peer group. For example, a teenager who smokes weed with other teens does not recognize any bad behavior because everyone else in the peer group is smoking also. Secondary deviance is when a deviant behavior that comes to the attention of one’s peers or significant others. Like, if the same teenager smokes in front of a group of friends that rejects smoking, then the teen would be labeled an outcast and often shun for is actions like being called a pothead, stoner, etc. Many times leading to teen’s smoke even more because of this labeling of peers and

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