
Social Conflict Theory For African American Women

Decent Essays

Women in America have faced numerous issues while trying to obtain equal rights as their male counterparts. These issues can include sexual harassment, discrimination and most importantly, less access to professional development and career growth opportunities. However, for African American women, these same issues can have a more severe impact on their chances of employment, receiving a promotion or an increase in their pay wage. Research shows that African American makes less earnings and receive fewer promotions than their Caucasian counterparts (Hill, Miller, & Benson, 2017).
This proposal will explore two significant issues Black women face in the work place. The first issue involves African American women being less likely to be considered for promotions, in comparison to Caucasian women. The second issue involves African American women receiving less pay than Caucasian women. The theoretical perspective that best understand why these issues exist is the social conflict theory. This theory explains that groups, such as social classes, gender, or race, compete for limited resources, as …show more content…

The first question asks what factors can influence an employee’s chances of receiving a promotion? The second question asks are these factors enough to explain the lack of women in management positions? And the third question asks are African-American women less likely to obtain promotions compared to Caucasian women? Included with these questions are several hypotheses. The first hypothesis is women are less likely to be promoted compared to their male counterparts. The second hypothesis is African American women are less likely to be promoted for management positions compared to Caucasian women. The third hypothesis is African American women are also less likely to receive the same pay as Caucasian women, regardless of education, or experience. Key variables in these hypotheses are race, gender, pay wage, and promotions

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