
Social Construction Of Gender Essay

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Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the male stigmatized ideology of gender as it pertains to parenting and domestic labour and how it relates to the course theme regarding the social construction of gender, more specifically that of hegemonic masculinity. First in Part I, I will define hegemonic masculinity and discuss the social construction theory developed by Raewyn W. Connell, as it relates to the structure of labour. I will also discuss the concept of “doing gender” outlined by Candice West and Don Zimmerman. Second in Part II, I will critically examine multiple author’s arguments about the socially constructed stigmas around stay at home dads, as it is seen to be tied to femininity. Finally, in Part III, I will analyze the implications of the social stigmas presented in the previous section. I will also examine how new forms of masculinity are being created as solutions to combat the binary system surrounding …show more content…

First I will define the concept of hegemonic masculinity as disused by Raewyn W. Connell. Second, I will outline her social construction theory, more specifically the social structure of labour and its relation to power. Second, I will discuss the concept of “doing gender” outlined by Candice West and Don Zimmerman, as it too has been socially instructed. This concept of hegemonic masculinity is the foundation of the paper because without an extensive understanding of this concept, one will be able grasp the notion that stay at home dads and their performance of domestic labour challenge this discourse. This resistance to the gender normativity can have negative and positive social implications as these theories will be critically analyzed in later sections of this paper. If one does not recognize these issues, further understanding or solutions cannot be

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