
Social Construction Of Race Analysis

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An Interpretation of the Social Construction of Race The United States is becoming an increasingly diverse country in regards to race and ethnicity. However, there are many misunderstandings and stereotypes regarding different population groups and the issue of race. Race has many definitions and one description given by Rose is that race is a “biological variation including genetic differences in stature, skin color, hair color, facial shape, and other inherited characteristics that may or may not be mutually exclusive in each individual”(Rose, 2013). Race is often confused with ethnicity which involves a group or individual’s perception of their cultural identity which is inclusive of learned behaviors used by human beings in their natural …show more content…

For instance, in ancient Greece an individual of African descent was accepted into their culture provided they adopt the customs and language (Bakaoukas, 2005). According to Sills, race originated in 16th century Europe when people who were encountered during explorations to other continents were categorized as Mongoloid (Asians), Caucasoid (European), and Negroid (African) (Sills, 2010). As time passed, race became a concept that was implemented as a means of justifying superiority and colonization by Europeans (Bakaoukas, …show more content…

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