1. Based on what is discussed in the learning materials, define and discuss at least five key presuppositions of social constructionism. How do these presuppositions apply to marriage and family therapy? The functional principles of cybernetic systems are that they are self-correcting able to “steer” themselves to a state of homeostasis, Gehart points out that “The key to maintaining stability is the ability to self-correct, which requires feedback” (Gehart, 2014) According to this week’s reading the five key presuppositions of social constructionism are: One cannot not communicate; all behavior is a form of communication. Therapeutic change involves alternating the interaction patterns within the system. An individual’s behavior and symptoms …show more content…
However, they both could be correct with in the story telling by the language they use. What is the relationship between systems theories and social constructionism? In systems therapy it is not just one single therapy, it is an eclectic approach. The system perspective is based on the principle of circular causality. Example: the actions caused by one family member influence the actions of all other family members affecting the functioning of the family system, including the person who was responsible for the initial action. social constructionism is also known as personal construct therapy investigate how human beings create systems for meaningfully understanding their worlds and experiences to a meaning to personal experiences. A relativistic point of view that emphasizes a subjective construction of reality. In social constructionism therapy both the client and the therapist use personal construct as the major trust by which the client anticipates events and construes, interprets. One thing I find very interesting is both the client and therapist are in the same room, and the therapist may view the problem different from the client’s …show more content…
What do you find very clear and compelling in the ideas of social constructionism? I think social constructionism has had a major impact on family therapy and for many therapists they have begun to recognize that the way people interpret events determine how they interact with each other. And that the assumptions we take for granted about ourselves or the world are social constructionism rather that objective truths. I also find that social constructionism focuses on how individuals create their own realities, and family therapist has always emphasized the power of
The systems Perspective sees human behavior as the outcome of interactions within and among systems with interrelated and interdependent parts; as defined by its boundaries. Changing one part of the system affects other parts and the whole system, with predictable patterns of behavior (Hutchinson, 2015). The family system has been a widely used theory of family interventions and assessment. The family systems theory is focused on the family dynamic, involving structures, roles, communication patterns, boundaries, and power relation (Rothbaum, 2004). Many theorist such as Bowen, developed the systems theory that focuses on how a
Systems theory describes a set of interrelated parts, comprising a functional whole. According to this theory, social systems construct society rather than individuals (Luhmann, Gilgen, & Mitchell, 2012). The theory provides a framework for understanding human existence and recognizes the transactional nature of human life within physical and social environments. This theory could aid in analyzing the interconnected parts that may have stifled an individual’s growth, adaptation, and their pursuit of goals.
Theoretical Orientation Reflection Paper Natasha Cartwright Senior Seminar February 8, 2017 Dr. Hill Theoretical Orientation Reflection Paper Introduction In the field of social work it is essential to be aware of theoretical approaches to incorporate into the work and realize which one fits more effectively with your different perspectives of life. With a better understanding of who you are, it becomes more easier to figure out your best way of counseling; figuring out which theories you find least and most appealing helps as well. When you are rooted in a theoretical orientation that aligns with your personal values and beliefs everything aligns up well. Applying your research of theoretical orientations to your actual work creates
Social construction is the basis in which we create a meaning of something through our interaction in society. (video) These meanings are generally accepted throughout society but are completely created. These creations of meanings are what groups recognize and attach understanding to. Most of social construction is already ingrained in us without even realizing it. In social construction, the meanings that are attached reinforce knowledge of reality. (video)
Lindgren references Gergen by stating “social constructionism is viewed as an approach whose primary emphasis is on discourses as a medium for the construction of the self and society, and on how these discourses function and affect social relations” (Lindgren, 2005, p. 6). Lindgren goes on to discuss that social constructionism is a result of certain problems faced by other dominant perspectives in social and behavioural sciences and that these are commonly referred to as the crisis of representations, value neutrality and transcendental positions (Lindgren, 2005, p.15). Social constructionism has been seen as a positive turn as it emphasizes language, meaning systems, discourse and social relations (Lindgren, 2005, p. 15). Thus based on this, Lindgren holds that social constructionism can be applied in many areas such as the relationship between nature and culture, the development of a criminological relevant theory of action and studies that deconstruct and unmask social deviants (Lindgren, 2005, p.17-18). Ian Hacking has a very different view than Lindgren, this can be seen as he focuses on the science wars and states “I do not want peace between constructionists and scientists. I want a better understanding of how they disagree…” (Hacking, 1999, p.31). He
In the past social worker focused on the use of psychodynamic theory in social work practice, but now it is said that this theory is no longer relevant to social work practice. Sigmund Freud psychodynamic theory looks at how human behavior and relationships are shaped by conscious and unconscious influences. For Freud, psychodynamic theory included psychoanalysis that was used a treatment to reveal the unconscious activity of an individual by making them consciously aware of it. Further, he believed that he could help people release bottled up emotions and negative experiences that could be the cause of anxiety and depression. Social construction that occurs because of a revolt effectively alters society as a whole is social worker relevancy
The social construction theory is based on the reality that the society has created that may seem obvious to a person who agrees to it. In other words, our life experiences and interaction towards others is the way we create our reality through social interaction. This means that we were not born with this sense of knowledge, but was taught through social interaction and our life experiences (Orem 2001a, 7). Social construction is based on the categories of difference which are race, gender, and social class (Ore, 2011a: 8).
Family systems therapy has some interesting comparisons to make with narrative therapy. They are each commonly used in work with families. According to Kelly, narrative theory adopts a postmodern social constructionist lens (p. 316). Family systems theory originates from organismic biology and early psychoanalytic, behaviorism, and learning theories (Andreae, 2011, p. 244-245). Although these are very different theories, each emphasizes environmental factors and influences on behavior. With family systems theory, all members in the family unit must coexist with each other and other environments such as work, school, church, institutions, etc. (p. 247).
A therapist who works from a family system perspective takes on the role of teacher, model and consultant (Corey, 2017). The therapist is active in forming a relationship with the family by acknowledging and
The history of family therapy began around 1960, when Gregory Bateson coined the term, “system thinking.” This type of therapy was a daring departure, both technically and philosophically, from traditional and individual treatment during the 1960s. Gregory Bateson was inspired. He felt that the unit known, as “the family” needed to be celebrated and that is exactly what he did” (Family Therapy, 2010, Para 1) Along with Gregory Bateson, are a list of several others who contributed to the evolution of Marriage and family counseling. This list includes the founder of social work, Mary Richmond, Mr. W. James, who researched the organic expression of social systems intervention and Mr. J. Dewey. Each of these
Thought lecher and the course reading material, this semester has increased my knowledge about a variety of techniques and theories. While reading, The Family Crucible: The Intense Experience of Family Therapy, there were several themes that could be commonly characterized in family therapy and the scenario of this book. Some of these techniques were, triangulation, resistance, transference, stress, and using or having a scapegoat (singling out one individual). Furthermore, some of the theories connected from this course to The Family Crucible: The Intense Experience of Family Therapy were, General Systems Theory, and Family Systems Theory.
I enjoyed reading your thread. Solution-focused therapy, collaborative therapy, and narrative therapy all play a role in counseling. Counselors utilize these counseling approaches to help clients discover the solutions to their problems. All three approaches have their similarities. The first similarity is that solution-focused therapy, collaborative therapy, and narrative therapy are all social construction models. Social construction models value language and meaning over the behavior of the client (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). The second similarity is that social constructionist therapists believe their clients know more about their lives than the therapist does (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). Therapists who follow the social
System perspective is the procedure that I use in family system theory because it is believed that the functionality of an individual reflects the functionality of a family and shows the way a family functions. Even though individuals can exhibit symptoms that are different from that in the family, they usually have impact on the rest of family members (Broderick, 1993). Family system theory is therefore concerned with changing the family system as a strategy of changing the individual. This is achieved through alteration of the dysfunctional systems of incorporating and integrating functional systems of interacting. In our Christian counseling process Family systems theory has been applied to solve various dilemmas in a family set up and has been very successful. There are limited categories that this therapy has
In the professional field of Social Work, there are many terminologies that individuals outside of this group may not understand. During the process of assessing a problem in a family, there are different theoretical perspectives that helps social workers understand different aspects of family situations. There are eight theoretical perspectives that helps social workers understand family’s dynamic and situations. These theoretical perspectives are; system perspective, conflict perspective, exchange and choice perspective, social constructionist perspective, psychodynamic perspective, developmental perspective, social behavior perspective and humanistic perspective.
Both the social constructionist and the psychodynamic views adopt a hermeneutic epistemology, which centers on the analysis of a person's actions, their fundamental influences and how the external social world can be internalised and represented symbolically within an individual (Stevens, 1996). However, there are key differences between the two views. The social constructionist applies a societal study approach which converge the external society and the social relationships within it. This implying that the self is built-up and continually developed through multiple social networks (Sapsford, 1996). On the other hand, psychodynamic theories applies psychoanalytical