
Social Constructionist

Decent Essays

The role of Social Constructionist In Explaining the World around US.
Social psychology has been known for describing cognitive process, which is influenced by behaviour and mainly in terms of individual psychology. However, some critics have wondered if Social psychology has been really successful in explaining Social cognition. This has been a major concern that there may not be any ‘Social’ in Social cognition (Zajonc, 1989). As many of the Social cognitive processes and structures are affected by social context. In this respect, critics has seen social cognition as reductionist (i.e., loss of explanatory power) as it fails to deal properly with language and communication which are the two fundamental social variables; a failure to deal …show more content…

However, these criticisms have produced alternatives to traditional psychology for example’s, Social constructionism, (Gergen, 1973), Critical Psychology, (Billing, 2008), Humanistic Psychology, (Shotter, 1984) etc. Although, there are remarkable differences between these alternatives but they all share a broad emphasis on understanding people as a whole human beings who are historically constructed and who tries to make sense out of their world and themselves. Thus, this essay will focus mainly on social constructionist on how they manage to provide a clear understanding of how we perceive and understand the World around us.
Gergen, (1985) defines social constructionism as a perspective which believes which believes in a great deal of human life that exist as it does due to social and interpersonal influences. Thou, genetically inheritance and social factors are involved at the same time. Therefore, social constructionist draws their influences from a number of …show more content…

This suggest that whatever meaning one gives to the world in terms of male and female, pop and classical music, past and future etc. all depends upon when and where in the world one lives. This means that all ways of understanding depends particularly upon social and economic arrangement reigning in that culture at that time (Gergen, 1973). Another point is that social constructionist believe that our knowledge is sustained by social processes i.e., people construct it between them through daily interactions in the course of social life another version of knowledge is fabricated. Therefore, social interactions of all kinds mostly language is a great important to social constructionist. As Language is a necessary precondition for thought. This means that the way people thinks, the categories and concept that accounts meaning for them are provided by the language they use (Burr, 2015). In other words, when people talk to each other the world gets constructed as our use of language is thought of as a form of action. Social constructionist believe that our ways of understanding the world doesn’t come out of objective reality but from other people both past and present i.e. knowledge is not something that an individual has or does not have, but something that people do

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